Craziest PA war stories?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by someonewhoisnobody, January 27, 2014.

  1. someonewhoisnobody

    someonewhoisnobody Well-Known Member

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    Have you had an experience in PA that is kind of crazy and unconventional.

    Mines is when I got anhilated by a bunch of the other teams fabbers.
  2. gunshin

    gunshin Well-Known Member

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    ZaphodX once beat Chuck Norris.
    lapsedpacifist and r0ck1t like this.
  3. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    ZaphodX once killed an asteroid by building enough scouts to deflect it into the sun. Land scouts.
  4. demon99a

    demon99a Member

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    They say BradNicholson once destroyed a stronghold with 5 commanders on another planet just by sending 1 combat fabricator there.
    lapsedpacifist likes this.
  5. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    I yelled "You shall not pass!" at my computer and then destroyed a teleporter before an army could get through.
    drz1 likes this.
  6. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    I was in a 6 player free for all game and i was starting to make a lot of ground against my surrounding 2 other contenders. When suddenly, i was starting to get attacked in the middle of my base and i had no idea how. At first i thought hulkens or catapults. So i start getting fabbers to my commander and start looking for where the volleys where coming from. After a while i couldn't find anything, by this time i'm freaking out because i have no idea where the attacks are coming from and i'm still getting hit. I start collecting my bombers (which where flying all over the base because i like to keep them in the air so i react with them faster) and i sent them off to a location i was suspecting the attacks where coming from, but by the time they get out of my base my commander explodes. At this point i am extremely confused. Last i checked my commander was not taking all the much damage even though it was what was being targeted and was in good shape with fabbers and was even on the move. Fortunately we have the chronocam otherwise i would still be confused on this. Apparently what happened is:
    (1) All my anti air and non-bomber type planes where fighting at another base.
    (2) My bombers where set to area patrol over my base at the ready when they would be needed.
    (3) An enemy of which i had not encountered yet was colored 2 shades of blue lighter then my color.
    (4) His attack against me consisted completely of bombers.
    If you haven't put the pieces together yet the slightly lighter blue team had stumbled upon my base with a few bombers, found my commander sent more bombers and sense i thought the attacking bombers where my bombers he went completely uncontested the whole time. This also means the fabbers where completely gone due to the splash damage.
    drz1 and stormingkiwi like this.
  7. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    I've only played one game online so far, and it was in the recent-est patch, but it was pretty cool.
    I completely stopped my opponent from reaching me, I had a naval start, and basically went full-on air. (I wasn't close enough to mainland to make having bots worth my time early game)
    His base just happened to be really close to mine, so I was able to get 2 naval factories out, one pumping Narwhals, the other Bluebottles, they (slowly) got to and camped right next to the enemy base, destroying a few defensive and economical structures.
    I was using hornets as my primary raiding unit, but he had flakkers a plenty and I was not able to get close to the commander long enough to kill it, he had combat fabbers defending him and factories producing them.
    I eventually last-resorted to getting out a nuke and sending out mini swarms of hornets and hummingbirds every minute or so to keep him on the defensive.
    Once the nuke went up, it was a done deal.
    It probably wasn't a great game compared to the leet players, but hey, it was fun for a first time.
  8. aevs

    aevs Post Master General

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    I started a game against the AI soon after getting the game, and not knowing a thing about how to do most anything (I still hadn't figured out how to queue up buildings, for instance), I had trouble beating the AI at the time. In this match, I was doing rather well, or so I thought. I had built 2 nuke launchers and was pushing into the AI's territory. I launched one nuke, and took out some of his base. I thought I was doing okay at this point, when suddenly the AI launched a nuke taking out almost all of my eco and production ( I hadn't spread out much at all). The AI then started pushing hard, taking out my forward bases and closing in on what was left of my base. I ran my commander and a few fabbers out back, tried to fend off the blob with my remaining units, launched my second nuke blindly into the middle of the enemy territory and left my T2 fabbers to work on third nuke, which was almost done. Just as the AI army pushed through and destroyed nearly all of my base, I managed to send off the last nuke to the same area, hoping to get lucky. The AI destroyed my nuke launchers, T2 fabbers and the rest of my basses remains and started closing in on my commander when my nuke hit; the nukes I had fired off blindly had annihilated the AI commander, and I won the game with nothing left but my com and a handful of T1 fabbers.
    iron420, Pendaelose and XSoldier66 like this.
  9. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I just finished a game an hour ago. In this game ( a FFA4) there were two planets in different orbits. After 45 minutes of play, i got offplanet to the second body. My entire base was cleaned up by two different players who told me they weere coming for me before the match started.

    I finished off the third guy on my planet, threw up some Eco, and got to work. After about ten minutes, there was one guy left on the main planet. In about 30 minutes of production through intense lag I managed to build over 2k doxen and 500 stingers, along with about 750 t2 bots and t2 combat fabbers.

    I sent 30 avengers in waves, then 5 Astraeus with fabs, then ten orbital fabs. After a harrowing ten minutes of feverish orbital micro, I managed to drop three teleporters on the planet.

    What followed was a massacre. I think at this point he left, but his icon was still white , so I will never know....

    His gunships slowly chewed threw my armies until they got in range of the stingers, which ate them for lunch.

    I managed to make a new base on the planet before I finally found his comm.

    It's the first orbital insertion/invasion ive actually had work at that stage of the game. So I was pretty excited
    LavaSnake, cptconundrum and igncom1 like this.
  10. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    This one was a while ago, but I still remember it because of how frustrated I was about the ending.

    It was a 3 way free for all where I spawned inbetween the two others. One of them was a good player. The other was a turtle that built a ring of defenses and sent nukes out.

    Naturally, I was the target of both of them. The turtler sent a few small attacks, but didn't really mess with me much aside from limiting my expansion.

    The other guy kept me very occupied as I fended off wave after wave of his attacks. And then the nukes started coming from the turtler and that's when I thought all hope was lost. I was nuked 4 or 5 times. I kept on moving my base further and further back until I had pretty much nothing left. I had a few factories, a defensive line that was finally starting to hold. Thankfully I had one or a few (can't remember) advanced factories.

    Finally the turtler sent a nuke at the other guy and they started fighting allowing me to recoup. I focused hard on amassing an army, getting up anti nukes, and re-growing my economy.

    Then I started scouting. The turtler had a hard defensive line and the other guy was pushing hard against it. The other guy was pretty spread out and had lots of vulnerable areas, and I had a large force of slammers. So I started gathering and moving my slammers into position to flank him.

    It was at this point where I thought I'd be able to pull off a win.

    I had anti nukes and a spread out base, so nuke lobbing wasn't much of a problem and I was about to deal a massive blow to the other opponent.

    I sent all of my slammers to a juicy energy field, while keeping my vehicles in defense.

    And... PA crashed and wouldn't let me re-connect to the game.

    Man I was frustrated. lol

    Who knows if I could have pulled off a win. Either way, I could have gone down in a blaze of glory.
  11. mot9001

    mot9001 Well-Known Member

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    One game we did a big FFA battle, i remember i was using my commander in an astreus high above Greps commander, watching and waiting for like 10 minutes. My base was very small and i only had a little mapcontrol that was constandly contested. Suddenly i saw someone shoot a nuke on his commander, so right after the explosion i landed my comm on his low hp commander and started the assasination attempt. I managed to kill him, but in that time he had selected a couple of hornets and send them to defend the commander. When he exploded the bombers survived and 1 by 1 started exploding, but not fast enough and some of them could even do 2 bombing runs before they died so i eventually exploded aswell since my astreus was unfortunately destroyed. The worst thing about this was that i actually had a orbital laser underway to finish the commander and there was absolutely no need to make that assault with my commander lol.
    shootall likes this.
  12. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    Brad Nicholson once built a tank.

    No, just kidding.
  13. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    I just finished a random 2v2v2v2 (which happened to be my first team game). Wow tense stuff.

    • Naval starting map
    • I went orbital and t2 air, team mate went naval
    • Sent comm to a moon, eventually got destroyed
    • Took out 2 comms on main planet
    • Expanded to far planet with 1 moon
    • Had pretty much lost main planet anyway, but someone smashed a moon into it, took out 1 team. We teleported to safety
    • Repopulated main planet. Luckily took out a comm (everyone lost at least 1 now)
    • Luckily took out a comm sitting in astreus, team 2 down
    • Last opponent fired another moon at our other base. Teleport to safety
    • Eco screwed, spent a lot of time rebuilding
    • Opponent had another moon, thought they would use it so repopulated second planet again
    • They lost one person to lag
    • Tried to laser snipe, failed
    • Team mate built nukes and was about to use it to stop moon smashing, then I had to get ready for work
    • When I got back we had won, opponent probably gave up

    I'm rambling and you probably had to be there. I enjoyed it though :p

    tl;dr: Dodging moons by flitting between 2 planets and repopulating.
  14. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Did you know that these Realm people once solely used tanks for combat? If it sounds ridiculous, that's because it is! I cannot believe it either!

    Can you imagine having to wait for 5-10 minutes for your army to come around the backside of the planet?

    So lame.
  15. ace902902

    ace902902 Active Member

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    once I was playing a 3v3 and was being surrounded because there were a lot of mountains and the enemy juts filled in the gaps. I got a nuke up and destroyed one of the main artillery battery's that was pelting us while a teammate sent the com to the moon. they were down to 1 com and so were we, but as I scouted, I noticed that they just had a single ring around us and nothing else. I found their com and sent a large army of doxen who destroyed everything and damaged their com to near death before they were destroyed. Then I sent in my second nuke. and we won. and get this. they didn't even get orbital.
  16. metabolical

    metabolical Uber Alumni

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    Actually this weekend @zaphodx and I played some games and we had to crack another planet. We sent a bunch of orbital fighters and fabbers over and started building teleporters and sending units through. For a while every time we did the enemy would nuke it and wipe out our teleporter and army. But eventually he started running out of nukes and we were building so many teleporters he couldn't keep up and we flooded in. Then it was the fight not to get bombed but we got the anti-air up. Finally we got some anti-nukes up and started building production and really fighting. We kicked them off the planet and kicked the sim down to 2.7 fps.

    Unfortunately, they still had another planet and the sim was too slow to wait out our assault there so we called it a night. Still, epic game.

    You can watch it (and two shorter games) on twitch here:

    Twitch says it is overloaded making youtube videos, so I can't generate any. It's been that way since Saturday. I think ZaphodX recorded it so hopefully he can upload it, or maybe a highlight reel since things slowed down quite a bit.
  17. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    It looked like a ton of fun!

    Hope it gave you diabolical ideas for the game too!
  18. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    I set up a system so two planets would eventually collide. Playing against two AI's nearly annihilated the second one and then planets collided. Cannot do this anymore the system editor won't allow it after the latest build.:rolleyes:
  19. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Was playing a 2v2v2v2 with a clan mate the other night, 4 planets, one large main one, two decent moons and a small halleyable one.

    Eventually (about 1.5 hours in) two of us were left, we had one of the large moons and the asteroid, they had the main world and another moon.

    After trading dozens of orbital nukes and avengers trying to make a hole in eachother's defences we subsided for around half an hour, slowly building up.

    The final strike was both the most epic, and first truly succesful planetary invasion I've ever seen: 26 orbital nukes, the timing of their launch carefully co-ordinated to damage as many defences as possible and make a whole in the anti nuke layer. I followed with over 200 orbital fighters, 20 orbital engineers and a dozen advanced radar. We managed to get a teleporter up on the only scrap of land on the water moon, 200 engineers and 400 spinners later and we had a foothold.

    As soon as we knew we had our foothold, we smashed our asteroid into the main planet, killing their comm there.

    To cut an extremely long story very long, we kept flooding engineers through a succession of teleporters and eventually took the planet.
  20. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    I was playing a 2 player vs AI with a good friend of mine. It was his first time playing, and he's not much of an RTS guy so we were taking it slow.

    As a joke we started on a large metal world named Cybertron with 2 moons. We colonized the moons fairly early and got gates on both. We thought everything was going great until we realized too late we'd forgotten to build anti-nukes. (there was lots of "Ok, now build a power plant, you can drag the mouse for a row"). Our base got nuked out of existence, but we got both commanders of world and played from the two moons until we could take back Cybertron. It wasn't as planned, but we got a good laugh from the twist.

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