There still seems to be no difficulty when i go into the game and i asked about it a few months ago and nothing seems to have happened when will it be implemented into the game?
Adjust the economic scale for you and the AI. Higher number = more ressource income. A real difficulty slider will come soon.
To be specific, at the bottom left hand side of a game, particularly with AI in it, is "economy scale". It is 1 by default, and is a multiplier, as multiplying by 1 doesn't change anything. Changing player economy scale to .5 will give you half the resources for each commander and mex and powerplant and such. Changing the AI economy scale to 2 will give them double resources for each structure they have. Generally, changing it to 10 basically puts you up against an AI that can endlessly rapidly produce from beginning to end, so you absolutely HAVE to constantly raid him to make sure he doesn't cover much map and constantly grind his units down before they turn into too great of blobs. Fairly difficult.
It's still under development. Uber is focusing more on actual game features rather than AI intelligence.
You can beat him at 10? Because I find that raiding him is kind of pointless, because he doesn't need to cover much map, so you just throw your units away for nothing.
I kind of do what I do against multiplayer. I try to post up and build against their perimeter early. And I screw up sometimes, at single and multiplayer. I can say I get results too though. Back on topic, those instructions were correct nonetheless.
You're kidding right? Granting a 10 to the AI's Eco would allow it to smash you even before your first rush.
I personally want to see them use naval before a difficulty slider is implemented. (oh yeah, and naval units need to drink a red bull or something.)
this. Its program still makes it ratio its buildings so stormingkiwi is kind of right that its spread doesn't increase, just the speed of erecting its base up, and the speed of its unit aquisition, not so much the unit build speed but sometimes more factories doing it. I don't think they powerbuild nukes yet even with eco.