One solution to the comm rush "problem"

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by nimblegorilla, January 20, 2014.

  1. stevenrs11

    stevenrs11 Active Member

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    I wonder if giving the commanders basic gun a significant energy cost to fire would help? Getting comrushed? Go send some units to blow up his pgens. How he cant repair and cant shoot.
  2. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    I quote myself to add a note.

    Right now a Commander can absorb a huge amount of damage, and in a bunch of seconds it can be regenerated to its original health by a couple of fabbers.

    If the repairing time of a Commander would be proportional to its real HP, than one would need a decent squad of fabs in order to backup his Commander during a rush.

    Also, any loss of health for the Commander would increase the risk to lose it, because it would expose it to a high risk to be sniped, until it finally moves into cover. And even then, you would need to protect it until full recovery.

    If so, rushing with more Commanders may end up in a net loss.
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  3. kinghoboiii

    kinghoboiii New Member

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    one way is to make it that commanders have a small nuke missile designed to only fire at other commanders when there in range of each other.... (game ends.)

    or like in chess you cant us the king to take a king. Have some sort of area of effect, so if two commanders are in the same area they can not fire there weapons.. (put it down to morels snob's don't kill snob's its not the done thing. That is why I employ people to do the killing for me...)

    or have that you commander's drop zone is protected for (Z) amount of time by 1) a no go zone or 2) the mother ship he dropped from giving him (Z) time to build a base....the mother ship firing all weapons at any Enemy entering area... (Z) time is changeable by players in lobby
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    It doesn't spend metal? Ok Oh that's cool.
    I do think they should spend 10 health per tick, not 10 metal per tick. Because their rate changes so much based on metal cost
  5. v4skunk84

    v4skunk84 Active Member

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    Bring back TA's D-gun in all its glory.
    Have commander explosion wipe out the other commander.
    Game over when your commander is dead.
    Problem solved.
    Last edited: January 21, 2014
  6. Grazgul

    Grazgul Member

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    This is already being discussed at lentgh
    Wouldn't that encourage commander rushing, like it did in TA??? You build a factory, run to your opponents base, detonate yourself, killing their commander and most of their base.

    Also to the OP:
    there is an existing thread:

    While you have an idea lets keep it all in one place :) Plus, why have an 'anti-fab' when you could simply change the repair rates to the commander :p
  7. v4skunk84

    v4skunk84 Active Member

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    If your commander dies it should be game over for you.
    Obviously for none competitive games there should be "no game end on commander death" setting.
  8. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    The answer is the dgun plain and simple
  9. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Comm rushing power mostly comes directly from the Comm's basic laser. It is pretty damn strong and has good range.

    The repair system is something that has to work for everyone. Having a bias towards certain units is not a problem. There will ALWAYS be a bias no matter what algorithm you choose. What's important is that the system works decently for the Commander, and it works decently for everyone else. Currently, the system does not work decently for the Commander. That is a problem.
    This already exists. Shoot the fabbers and the Commander can no longer heal in battle. EZPZ.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  10. lapsedpacifist

    lapsedpacifist Post Master General

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    Let us go factory first, the vast majority of the playerbase (and uber themselves) seem to support this.
    This may well fix the problem outright. Tweaks can be done after this if they're necessary, but I think this will go a long way towards balancing comm rushes, particularly in team games.
  11. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Is a unit as good as the amount of HP it has? No. Just look at walls. They have TONS of health, but you can't win games with walls alone.

    The most fair repair algorithm is to be based on the unit's COST. Why? Because cost is the most direct representation of how good a unit is. A better unit costs more, thus a better unit ends up more difficult to repair. It's really that simple.

    Adjusting the Commander's repair ability in comparison to everything else is stupidly simple. If it's too good, you increase the Commander's cost. If it's not good enough, you make the Commander cheaper. EZPZ.
    carlorizzante and Pendaelose like this.
  12. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Exactly, that's why once again I shamelessly promote my solution. Because I like it (of course I do).

    Assuming that the cost of all units has been carefully balanced, what's the cost of a Commander? Pretty high I presume. Partly 'cos its capable weapons. But I believe specially 'cos its outstanding capability to take damage.

    Therefore it should repairing a Commander should require a hell of a time. How comes that 4 fabbers are enough to support a Commander against half a dozen of tanks, or even more?

    It wouldn't happen with any other unit.

    I have the suspect that repairing is calculated in % of total HP of the unit per time, while damage is inflicted as an arbitrary number.
  13. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    So, let's see what will happen lengthening the repairing time of a Commander.

    You and your buddy go for a Commander rush. You manage to take down one of the adversaries' Commander, but the blast and the fight afflicted your Commander health. Now you are far from home, you lost your dozen Fabbers that supported you so far, and you have to make it back before a retaliation will take both of your Commanders down as well.

    It's gonna be tough. You are in big trouble, my friend.

    On the other hand, what's gonna happen if you you're using your Commander to defend your base early game? The adversary just sent seven tanks to pay a courtesy visit to their new neighbor. That was so kind of him. You take those cute tanks down using your Commander. Send a thank you via postcard and start repairing it.

    For the time you get a new visit, you prepared a new postcard, restored your Commander, improved your Eco a little, or built some defenses. Or perhaps you are a loser, therefore doomed to defeat, and nothing can save you. Game over. No need to complain.

    It seems much more balanced to me.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Honestly, cost-based repair is a solution that RTS games have been using for a LONG time. Perhaps since Dune 2k, but definitely with CnC Red Alert.

    TA used a repair system where all constructors repaired a fixed amount of HP/sec. It was too low to be useful for most things, and constructors were far too clumsy to be used in battle.

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