SO Comm rush is still prevalent

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by beer4blood, January 17, 2014.

  1. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    You forgot the most important factor in my opinion:Commander cost.
    Since the cost of the commander determines how fast he can be repaired it is very influential as it is currently.

    Tanking the damage with the commander is always the best option if you have build power nearby that can repair the commander since repair is so cheap.
    2 shots from the commander can destroy an Ant/Pounder tank or a Dox while repairing 150 HP of damage on the commander probably costs something like 18 metal if I understand repair correctly.
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    ...Am I being ignored?

    Also, cost... the reason that one is forgotten is because commander's cost is tied entirely with healing, they have no metal cost for fabrication obviously. I don't think making them heal like a wall would be great, people might actually consider reclaiming off of them in times of need.
  3. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Put your commander on assist by the factory.

    Pump out some fabbers.

    Put them on assist by the factory.

    Pump out everything you want to defend your commander.

    Go and rape him.

    Commander rushes win because you put your opponent under a lot of pressure, and they respond by dying.

    Rushing is a valid strategy in a strategy game. It's good that it hasn't been nerfed out of existence.

    You want the really effective way of defending?

    Use your units to flank the enemy commander and kill his fabbers.

    Use your units to isolate the enemy commander from the factory reinforcing him.

    If possible, use defensive structures to cut that supply line and bring your units back to attacking the commander.

    Get your fabbers to start building economy up again further away from your base.

    Keep your commander alive.

    The only problem with a commander rush is that the player rushing is probably still econ-booming, whereas normally in strategy games you can either econ-boom, or you can rush.
  4. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    yes this works against the uneducated comm rush that is supported by fabs only. a good comm rush incorporates about 10-15 tanks with 5-10 combat meds now. set combat medst to area assist the whole squadron and you have a pretty invincible war tank+velveeta
    Last edited: January 18, 2014
  5. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Humor me. I have it. I know that I have it. But it is not worth my time explaining something if no one else can even scratch the surface. If you would like to prove that you are better(or are at least capable of understanding my pending response), you can do this very simple thing.

    Ign has already read most of my stuff, and nanolathe could do a decent number for sure. So they don't count.
    Last edited: January 18, 2014
  6. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    Here, 5 factors so you could quit being a vague jackass.
    1. Relative distance between commanders
    2. Micro capabilities of the rushing player
    3. Amount of mexes in the immediate area
    4. Whether or not the rusher is scouted beforehand
    5. Amount of defensive structures made by the player being rushed

    There, now will you share with us your divine secrets, oh master?
    beer4blood likes this.
  7. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    What if commanders could build walls ?, or a weaker wall ? would that not help against rushes?, why is it commander cant build wall ?.

    Since commander can now build the ground turret, if you could also build walls. It would be more or less impossible to commander rush.
  8. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    How about the cost of the commander, as repairing them is really easy and quick.

    I still believe the uber-cannon should be improved.

    Hell what about a uber cannon with a kind of electric jump ability to try and hit nearby units with a margine of it's power too?
  9. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Yes. But there's more.
    Irrelevant. Micro exists on both sides and players are assumed to be equal because no one in their right mind balances against unequal players.
    Perhaps. But how?
    Moderately useful, but incomplete. Explain.
    Definitely incomplete. Elaborate.

    I give you a 2 out of 5. Try again.

    Interesting. Let's check the PADB and oh c'mon you HAVE to be kidding me.

    Okay Uber. This is dumb. Set the Commander's cost to 20000 metal and set repair rates to 25% of a unit's cost.
    Yes. It does. You're welcome.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  10. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    yea i thought you had no answers... only bringing more questions.

    also @ godde DAMN YOUR LAME RUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD
  11. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    guys, neutrino says the D-gun isn't working properly, maybe this discussion can wait until that has been balanced over.

    I know the issue is real, but the devs know, so now its a waiting game.
    beer4blood likes this.
  12. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    You asked for factors, I gave you factors, and you ask questions that were unrelated to your request.
    As far as I'm concerned you're just full of ****, you're like the 4chan of the uber forum.
    mrqasq likes this.
  13. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    he is indeed. liberal minded. youre wrong and he's right but he has no answers or solutions other than youre wrong
  14. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    No offense zaphod, but that is what a comm rush is. If you don't scout it, it will kill you 100%. The only way to counter it is to start preparing for the defense the second you see it coming. If you don't the enemy commander WILL outlast yours with their heal.

    but on the other note. I say this strategy stay in. We just need to raise the risk factor by a lot (perhaps increase the power of uber cannon or/and make uber cannon drain 2500 energy per second while it powers up that way if your ubercannon too much you can't repair without eco and you are already forsaking that by comm rushing so you have a limited window in which you can pull this off before your enemy gets so much eco advantage that you cannot win).
  15. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    their is no hotkey to charge the cannon currently so theres no way for it really to charge. The best answer is to bring back comms one hitting each other like TA
  16. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    You know what. I cannot say I like you, but that was well spoken as far as my opinion goes.

    At least you presented an opinion/solution. One that isn't crazy no less. I would ask for something in the middle, possibly closer to your number, and honestly that is because, AGAIN, the combat fabbers have exploits anyway that needs numbers tweaks to prevent it from being an issue with everything else, but this even makes it viable to reclaim off commander at the extreme cost of the commander being lengthy to repair if he loses any health so you cripple him in more than an easily fixable way (and it costs energy).

    Overall, your guessing game aside, your idea is respectable.
  17. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I wanna see how things play out. It's hard to get out of the mode that "building early units sucks because it's too slow". It might be a lot more viable now to deal with a commander rush just by having a couple of early factories spitting out units -- that's been my preliminary experience, anyway. I have a lot more Dox early on from fewer factories, able to easier cut him off, kill his repair units and start working him over.
  18. zaphodx

    zaphodx Post Master General

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    And yet if my rush doesn't win me the game I back off, get some unit support and continue the game as normal. Cheese is in all in cheap strategy that loses the game if it doesn't work/is countered.
  19. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    negative sir cheese is something that is easily exploitable. if you ever played marvel vs capcom 2 iron man was a cheese character because his cannon was essentially unescapable, cable was another cheese character. in TA missile units were cheese because they fired at everything with extreme accuracy and range. here the comm rush is quickly becoming so. i just dont play the game to have a comm match.... its not rock em sock em robots. sorry itll always be cheesy to me. im full well of implicating the same tactic i kno how i have done it once or twice. its not even thrilling in any sense to me. its a shame that you all see it as such an ok thing. im here ot have massive unit battles with several fronts at once, flanking and out manuevering. forward bases and artillery embattlements. not oh look theyre only a few hundred meters away lemme get five fabs and end the game. sorry its just bullshit. my samurai code of honor prevents me from doing it even when i know i should, like today i faced godde 1st round in the tournament. we spawned holding hands pretty much. i asked b4 the match started if comm rush was allowed. yes was the answer. i knew godde was going to do it as well as soon as my first scout went a small distance and died. should i have prepped some fabs ad marched at him?? yea i should have because moments later thats what happened. my fault entirely, but i just cant stoop to that level that is in no way epic. might as well call the game commander annihilation instead. its' just 200% GAY the top players should be shameful thats how they got there with the same lame rudimentary tactic of five fabs plus a few bots or tanks. master of such an epic rts should be xpressed by adapting to different enemy movemnts over and over changing in each match not using this experimental class unit that is supposed to be avoided anyways. sorry guys thats just how i feel you can say its the best tactic all you want, to me and several other players it will always be lame, i enjoy crushing thousands of little units not just one in 10 minutes
  20. tehtrekd

    tehtrekd Post Master General

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    You know, initially I was with you on this whole thing, but now, I dunno.
    You don't really seem to know what "cheese tactic" means, comm rushing isn't a cheese tactic, it's a boring and uneventful tactic.
    The difference is, a cheese tactic, despite being seen as dickish and ungentelmanly, is actually something that takes a fair amount of skill and is nigh impossible to counter, the reason for this is that you practically put everything you have in the game on the line, if a cheese fails, you're fucked, gg is called and the game is over. The bunker/gateway rush from Starcraft 2 was a cheese tactic for example. And that's the main thing, cheese is just "impolite" as it were, it takes skill, but it's not a very "nice" thing to do, but it requires attention, planning, and a bit of luck, and if it doesn't work, the game is over.
    Comm rushing isn't like that, when you comm rush you just plop down a little eco, a bot and air factory, a few fabbers, a scout plane, send your comm in and if it works it works, if it doesn't, oh well, you did damage to him anyway, made up for your loss in production, retreat and continue as if nothing happened.

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