are you sure you had enough power to support the adv radar satelite. its visible range is based on how much power you have avalaible
im sure that the portal will be made a lot more expensive later once we have other transport systems available
True, there are some new issues with shots hitting targets sometimes. Not only with sniper-bots. One time I had a whole army trying to kill one tank, but they were all shooting above it. They would've needed forever, but I moved them into the tank and "pushed" it away from it's position, and voilĂ , they killed it.
By the way, I really love the new graphics effects. Green lasers for my umbrellas? Pew-pew. Looks amazing.
oh thx! i didnt know that...will test it. test complete, it was not the energy or there is another bug thing : for comparison the green radius would be the radius of t1 ground radar, the other small thing is the viewing range of a t1 bot-fabber. there is enough energy. so if the radius should be bigger then its bug. if not i still say the visible radius of adv radar should be a little more than the one of an t1 unit
They changed advanced orbital radar -- it's now literally "radar". You will see dots. It does not give you visibility anymore.
it does, look at my screenshot the radar range is ok so far, i just mentioned that the thing that made and still makes the adv radar special, the viewing range, is now too small.
I think the idea is just that it will no longer have a viewing range. It will purely be for global radar. (Which is still very useful, just not crazy-mandatory-overpowered like the old global viewing range was.)
Build a T1 air factory. Set the factory to patrol the entire planet. Set the factory to continually produce air scouts (or bombers, for the lols) Now you just have to look around now and then to see where enemy structures start popping up and send units there. In a game with infinite resources, it's perfectly fine to have a continuous stream of throw-away units wandering around just to see what they run into. I'd do it with Doxes if area-patrol was working for ground units...
it issn't global radar, that would be as overpowered as the global viewing range was. it still has its range. but since the orbital radars are mobile, only a bigger range than the basic radar sat is not enough to make it usefull (complete other situation as the stationary radars on ground). so why adv radar satelite? i find the viewing range is a good thing, and it still is in, but at this point its so small its useless - thats the point
Again, the area commands have improved this game so much. Kudos to linike. It wouldn't even be playable without those.
I get a complete pc freeze this build. I click on a game to join in the lobby, it says 'login accepted', then the music starts to stagger and glitch. Ctrl-alt-delete doesn't help and hard reset is required. Tried it twice...
Two things: 1) the increased faffing required with orbital units makes me wish for a UI overhaul so that we can see that layer more quickly. 2) the teleporter is AWESOME. No more do you have to worry about spamming out units on a newly colonised moon, for fear of redundancy. Just send them back home, en masse, preferably into the un defended side of your opponents base