I was wondering. I used the teleporter to escape to the moon, and got all my workers with me through, while the ai was hammering my base. Now i thought something that would be cool, to make such a moment more intense, that if you dont quickly destroy the teleporter on your end, the enemy could start flooding through as well. ?. Would add some tense moments kinda like in Stargate, they had the iris but still. Edit: Haha and the freaking ai is already here on the moon some escape plan rofl THIS IS TENSE!. no where to run but face the music.
Currently enemies cannot go through your teleporter. There's been discussion on the forums about changing that. We'll see what Uber does. Personally... I'm opposed to it. All I'd have to do is shut off the teleporter and then it's useless to your enemy. Just adds micro that I'd rather not deal with. And then there's the messiness of units automatically firing against the teleporter or not... It just makes things messy. It does add some interesting strategies to the game... but I'm not for it.
I like where you're going with the reclaiming it but if you did reclaim it would you be able to connect with your teleporter or their other one?
I like the idea of reclaiming it (like Total Annihilation's Galactic Gates). However, wouldn't the enemy just be able to press delete on it before you finish reclaiming it?
just let the enemy be able to walk through for when it is open long enough if it closes or gets closed manualy he cant this makes for very funny situations imo opinion you can always go trough a door when it is open otherwise you need the key/code capturing BOTH gates .. which i imagine is pretty difficult to do if your enemy isnt a fool ... beeing able to hack one to come trough a enemy controlled gate sounds too unfair ... the difference between those would be that with open door the enemy has to depend on what YOU do ... hacking would mean you have to consider that your enemy would be able to use your gate against you constandly even if some sort of cooldown would be there ...
Enemy also should be able to launch nuke into a teleporter that explodes right on the other side - it would introduce tense feeling every time you create "tunnel" to an abandoned teleport or decide to follow enemy units going into it. Because i think teleporters should be like box of chocolates - you never know what you gonna get.
Hardly! That moment when Zaphod's army was about to use the teleporter was frigging epic, and his enemy reacted by blowing the teleporter up. Although - Zaphod's army was DEFINITELY using that teleporter. I think enemies can go through your teleporter. Would love to test that in a game.