Hi guys, I just bought the game (Planetary Annihilation), but can't play it (I was really excited to play with it). The following error occurs every time that I run the program: [7457:7457:ERROR:resource_bundle.cc(528)] Failed to load /home/ .../Planetary Annihilation/host/ui_resources_100_percent.pak Some features may not be available. [15:42:04.171] ERROR multiple models in spec for Air Factory have nav structures, this is unexpected. [15:42:04.174] ERROR multiple models in spec for Advanced Air Factory have nav structures, this is unexpected. [15:42:04.176] ERROR /pa/units/air/bomber_torpedo/bomber_torpedo.papa: open failed My computer configuration is: Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) 64-bit Kernel Linux 3.8.0-35-generic RAM: 8 Gib CPU: Intel Core i7-3632QM ATI Radeon HD 7730M If anyone can help me I would be very grateful.
I don't know directly what the issue is, but I can tell that of those errors I can find the last 3 ones in my own log too and the game runs fine for me. So the first one (resource_bundle.cc) might be your problem. What exactly does happen when you start the game? It just prints that stuff and exits?
Is vsync enabled? Or maybe you can find a fix here. https://forums.uberent.com/threads/ubuntu-12-04.51963/
For start check this list of Linux issues: http://steamcommunity.com/app/233250/discussions/2/810938082193900075/