Gameplay, Units & Balance

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by scathis, January 9, 2014.

  1. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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  2. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Yes, I read that, thank you, and I'm only mentioning that because it is more of the important aspects of that foundation. As it is a fairly huge aspect of the balancing in current game, and it is current game my post is referring to, and new foundations are improving on current game, I do feel those sentences in that post are entirely valid.

    I do know that range and mobility will continue to be large factors in the final balance of the game, as they always are.

    Edit : well with the amount of likes that post got I feel like a class fool now.
    Last edited: January 11, 2014
    mrqasq and emraldis like this.
  3. ledarsi

    ledarsi Post Master General

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    A "proxy" is actually a very specific type of play, not just a factory somewhere else. It is a factory constructed closer to the enemy entirely for the purpose of initiating fast aggression using that factory. Expanding and making bases all over the planet isn't making proxies. Constructing a ninja teleporter next to an enemy position would be much closer to a "proxy" because the moment it is done you use the teleporter as a proxy to attack the target location using units pouring out of it.

    I think scathis and knight actually agree but are using different terms. When knight says teleporters shouldn't be the "default" I think what he really means is that the teleporter shouldn't be optimal. The reason for this is that teleporters are more convenient than other options, such as slow overland transport, or building significant amounts of production in the area.

    Teleporters can definitely be used as an integral, relatively common part of gameplay in situations where they are appropriate. But they shouldn't be the best option for a player- they should be an expensive solution which is best used when simpler and more direct means won't work. Because constructing factories in the area is the least convenient and the least adaptable option, it should probably also be the best option.

    Put another way, players should prefer to have production everywhere instead of one production center and teleporters everywhere. But there will (probably frequently) be situations where throwing down local production is not one of the available options, and direct movement would be too slow. Teleporters let you pay a premium for a solution to that problem.
  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Im not sure if that was scathing or scalding, but with the likes that got I feel like a class fool now.
  5. mabdeno

    mabdeno Active Member

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    I can still see proxy bases being used, if its looking like an attack is making progress you can enlarge your army quickly with units from your base creating a stronger attack.

    Need some artillery units on the front line? Have them ready at your main and teleport them to where you need them the most.

    I can see myself having fun playing around with these.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Has the energy price for teleporters been stated somewhere? From watching the videos it seemed to be pretty high, which would mean that having a ton of proxy factories would still be a very good thing in the early to mid game.
    Sure such numbers can and will be tuned, but the energy cost of teleporters is one of the things that can easily balance it to prevent it from removing other interesting aspects like proxy factories.
  7. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I just want to point out that while the rest of the noobs in this community will be replacing proxy bases with teleported, I will be spread out so as to counter nukes.

    Eat atoms, suckers. ;)
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  8. Teod

    Teod Well-Known Member

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    Also, teleporters just can't be more efficient than proxy factories, because in case of factories you need to build them, then build units, and in case of teleporters you still need to build factories and units, but also build and sustain teleporters on top of that.
    igncom1 likes this.
  9. wpmarshall

    wpmarshall Planetary Moderator

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    If I'm honest, 'proxy bases', as they are so called from Starcraft, will go hand in hand with teleporters. They may indeed facilitate new and interesting strategies and combined offensives.

    For example, you are playing a 1v1 against a player who is constantly scouting; they see you rae getting up a TP, they are instantly going to think you are either getting off planet (assuming multi planets) or if single planet moving a whole bunch of dudes elsewhere to exploit a flank at which point they would move to counter and the strategy on your part would be kinda redundant.

    On the other hand, you may have a Forward factory line, or as I like to call them 'Staging Points', already established and are sending in constant harass and pressure from there. While your opponent is on the offensive, you can either build staging posts at different points for a surround, or you can get a TP to do the same thing without risking more staging posts as you can get more factories in your main and can move your offensives around causing confusiong and difficulty for your opponent.

    Interestingly, this is assuming you will need to build an exit teleporter which of course using more resources and you'll then need to balance that up in your own strategies on the fly as to whether it is cost effective for you or not and indeed most efficient at getting your enemy to disappear in a giant puff of smoke and a reasonably loud bang.

    However, if they work more like those in SupCom2 where you only needed vision to quickly place an exit; then we have an entirely new situation on our hands as you enemy might be able to use them against you.

    Who knows is my point; let's not count our chickens and instead wait for the patch to come out.
    From what I've read and seen; it looks like it's going to be a game changer (excuse the pun). It'll also be great for casting :p
    LavaSnake and mered4 like this.
  10. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    True, but the real benefit of teleporters is that you can put the full force created by the Factories anywhere you need it, that's the kicker about centralized production combined with easy mass transport.

    Think of it this way, if I'm building a Forward base to Put pressure on the enemy I would only be able to apply as much pressure as the production capability of that particular base can allow, but if I do the same thing with a Teleporter I can apply as much pressure as my entire factory capacity, heck without some for of additional cost other than a flat upkeep on the Teleporter, I can just roll my entire army through a teleporter no problem and roll it back through just as easily.

    Quitch and ledarsi like this.
  11. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    I think your over thinking it.

    I find that its best to attack on all sides at once. If you have a massive blob of factories feeding into a single gate then you can only attack on one front at a time. You also have a lot less power to react to change unless you have gates all over the map.

    There are a lot of advantages to multiple bases surrounding your enemy. Gates don't make them obsolete and there's nothing stopping you from building gates in at your expansion bases.
  12. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    One way to delay teleporters from showing up in the early game while letting them have uses later on is to split it into two units. There can be a very expensive entrance gate and a cheaper exit gate. The expensive one could even be two directional. This lets you invade planets late game with just a cheap gate, but proxy bases still matter until you can afford the entrance gate.
  13. WataCoso

    WataCoso Member

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    Thinking about this Teleporter topic and their OP factor in respect to proxy bases, , Total Annihilation campaign comes to mind. You know , The great disadvantage of a teleportation system , on TA, was from the fact that you could capture and use them against your opponent.

    I would love to see a similar feature in PA. Only, i don't see how it could be implemented in a way that is fair.

    I mean, to the guy that sees his teleporter on the process of being captured, would be just necessary to take down the other end of the line.

    That's just a nostalgic desire anyway ( I can't count the number of times i played TA campaign as a kid :3)

    In regard to TP efficiency, my opinion will be formed once we play this new build. However, as long as the principle of gameplay variety is respected, i don't need to vent complaints :)
  14. ragarnoy

    ragarnoy Member

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    Then you'd need to change the reclaim fonction a bit, converting wrecks into ressources and enemy building into friendlies.
  15. chriscooper207

    chriscooper207 New Member

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    I really do think that whilst powered on, the transporter should be volatile ( maybe not as much as the commander but should still take out a sizeable area around it ), maybe with some feedback trhough the teleporter but to be honest not really necassary.
  16. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    A thought; what if teleporters imploded on destruction, leaving a crater where they once stood? Might be amusing visually.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  17. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    sums up my opinion on teleporters exactly.
  18. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    I still think that teleporters should use my "mass relay" type teleportation effect...
  19. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Where they shoot them at ftl speeds?
  20. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    that one. I think I managed to get first or second post on the official teleporters post.

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