Current temperature in Prague: +11°C If you don't believe me just take a look at some Prague webcams and you'll see. For those who are too lazy to search here's a page with some: I actually like this winter. No annoying snow, no need for extra layers of clothes or skin protection .
It is 25°F here, or -2°C? Well, at least it was. Yes, it is unseasonably freezing everywhere, sucks. Sadly, we in Houston, Texas have had snow 3 out of the last 7 years, and as cold as it is we don't get any.
It's been about 6° to 10° C in Seattle of late. We had a good cold snap in November at around 0° for about a week, but other than that, it's been remarkable mild so far this winter. Enough so that it's making me nervous.
You reminded of a poll which was in one of our online news. Translated into English (because of some funny Czech constructions I had to use funny English constructions): This kind of winter, do you find it unfortunate? - Yes - Its making me nervous - No - I don't care
UK winter is currently just miserable windy storms and floods. OWAIT THATS ENGLAND LOL. We just have grey cold and rain
HEY I live in Hamilton!!! No shoot, ne other ontario ppls here? We set a record here, -25c with no windchill... :S
Mmmm agreed.. yay... 5 days in a row over 40 degrees this is how cold it was...
Just an interesting correlation between feedle's image at the start of the thread, and the locations of nuclear power plants in the US;
Its back into minus 20c now and wont warm up... Have to run my car each day to keep the charge going as cold kills it and i got no block heater
Definately colder around great lakes... East coast has most power... Oddly enough the glaciers melting hasnt created more snow or rain but rather more wind and cold...last year i wore shorts in febuary. It was that warm a couple of days.