When will it be fixed? Review game is bugged in 9 out of 10 games. This wasnt the case earlier in beta, if i recall correctly^^
I would like to know when the Chrono Cam will be fixed as well. It's been broken for a while, and I'm sure it's frustrating for all of the new players coming in, who are trying to use it as a learning tool to review their games. I know that it helped me immensely when I began (when Beta launched). The power of the Chrono Cam is impressive, when it's working.
It works when you're in a large game and get knocked out early. You can click the 'cam button, rewind to 0:00, and watch everyone else's starting builds. However, any time anyone else is knocked out all of the visibility checkboxes reset (bug 1), and worse, when the last guy wins the game switches to the "summary screen" instead of letting you remain in game.
But you can just click the "Review game" button then to get back to the Chronocam, right? Or do you mean that it causes the Chronocam slider to reset after doing that?