Read Op 1st Addition Of Supplemental Assistive AI's For HumanvComp Matches and/or Human v Human?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by siefer101, January 6, 2014.


Addition Of Supplemental Assistive AI's For Human v Comp Matches... Human v Human

  1. This would be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for both H v H and H v C matches

  2. This would be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v H matches

  3. This would be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v C matches

  4. This would not be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v H matches

  5. This would not be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for H v C matches

  6. This would not be a worth while Addition (as detailed in the OP) for both H v H and H v C matches

  7. This Addition has merit if the following were added or removed from the OP (post comment)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Essentially they are the same thing. One is a script to auto manage your economy directly, one is a script (and make no mistake, your AI is just a script) that makes your economy build, maintain, expand and manage itself, while also potentially increasing your build capacity and factory numbers. Honestly your proposal is likely more abhorrent than the one being proposed from that linked thread.

    If you are envisaging an AI that will purposely ignore what's best for you and continue building something over and over again, even to the detriment of your overall goal of winning... then all you've created is a ' loop ' button for building econ. Considering the new Area Commands that essentially allow you to do the same thing with a minute number of mouse gestures, while also maintaining ultimate control over the entire process, I find your proposal to be completely superfluous.
    Last edited: January 7, 2014
  2. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    But you acknowledge the threat presented by the AI in a Galactic war environment? NO HUMAN... Can compete with that. The AI I propose wouldn't be standard but optional instead as well it would be shelled out compared to Primary opponent AI's

    Edit: You're speaking as if the idea can only be so good it's OP or to bad it's 100% detrimental.
    there is such a thing as Moderation
  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    You've probably misunderstood what Galactic War is.

    What it is NOT is a simulation that plays out in real-time across multiple solar systems.
    What it is, is a turn based regional map that gives context to single battles, nothing more.

    You don't need an AI to help you fight across multiple solar systems, since you will not be able to do that in any case. :p
  4. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    Multi-solar battles is confirmed to not be present in PA?
  5. peewee1000

    peewee1000 Member

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    Sorry if it came out that way. I did read your whole post (and even before voting! :D).
    siefer101 likes this.
  6. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Correct. You will not be fighting on disparate solar systems at the same time.

    You might get a binary system (though that's far from confirmed by the way)... but in the end it's basically the same thing as a normal star system, as the twin-stars are the two closest bodies and the planets would all orbit around those bodies.

    You will never fight more than one single battle at any one time, nor have need to fight in more than one solar system at a time.

    100% confirmed as far as I am aware.
    Last edited: January 7, 2014
  7. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    If that is a 100% confirmed then this wont be as necessary. So how is galactic war going to work.. CIv V
  8. Clopse

    Clopse Post Master General

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    Would you be able to trust/want an AI which you have mentioned would be worse than the ai to look after a planet for you.

    I understand your reasoning of needing some sort of help. It's hard enough on 1 planet late mid/late game for the faster players. But I don't think ai is the way to go. As culverin mentions in his ui post we are going to need one heck of one to try cope with all the tasks.
  9. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    Galactic War
    On topic.
    I have noticed it is a very hard for me to manage multiple fronts. But it isn't a real problem with planet, since it is pretty much how arives first gets the planet. Maybe an upgrade for the GUI would solve part of this problem. Or you should just have multiple players. Currently I don't know if this is a good or bad idea. But if all else fails I would like to try this.
  10. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    I like how it makes sub commanders a unique and meaningful role! it also prevents players from utilizing the extra help until they get to a point in the game where they might need it. Either way, I think this is a necessary evolution of game-play in PA as this game reaches the limits of human manageability, but like all things in the game you don't have to use it if you to want to. And to those who think it's an unfair advantage, it's not if you can use it too and computers are never better than direct human control anyway. It's not meant to play the important battles for you, but to manage your bases eco and defenses while you aren't looking.

    I imagine this working as follows: I own several planets, 1 of them being a moon. On that moon I landed a sub commander and told him to defend the planet while using my Eco heavy build template. I then focus elsewhere. I look back after 15 minutes and the sub commander has build the base to my sepcs while not overloading my eco and building some of it's own to augment it's own needs. When an enemy player landed on the moon, it used the forces it build to attack them in a very straight up manner. The player was able to fend them off using superior tactics but the computer has kept him busy with wave after wave of my units as per my default orders. When I finally look back at the moon I give it instructions to wait for 200 units and send half 1 way and half the other. I look back 5 minutes later to see the attack worked and the player gone from that moon, all while I focused my attention on the battles of other more important planets.
    Last edited: January 7, 2014
  11. quigibo

    quigibo Member

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    Ok, I'll be serious. I believe that it would be interesting thing to add. However, would the player's commands override the AI commands? If the AI was able to comprehend danger and threat to commanders I could see this as actually being useful but, in its current state I can only see this as being a detriment to game play.
  12. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    I would say absolutely.
  13. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    See I like the idea assitive supplemental commanders, but it would need to be used in certain parameters... Also I'm stumped on balance and command limitations of the supplemental AI
  14. Antiglow

    Antiglow Well-Known Member

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    So when I looked over this I basically got this:
    You want a sub commander unit to be basically like a controllable AI with differently selectable radius of op, personality (turtle, rush, steam roll etc..), AI behavior can be toggled on and off, and you want to be able to change those values at any time according your liking. This would help the player maintain focus on the most important area and not be too worried about other planet(s) where they have placed their sub commander(s). thus allowing the player to focus on the big picture rather than the management of all the little things.

    I think this is a great idea and I support it entirely.

    That being said the building to construct these sub commanders would need to be rather costly and each sub commander would need to be a rather strong unit, not as much as the commander but still strong. Also the time to build these sub commanders would need to be rather long (without assist) and should be assisted to get them out faster.

    It would be neat if the building to build these sub commanders had some odd requirements like:
    Can only be built in orbit because of the special materials and atmospheric conditions needed to construct a sub commander unit.
    Last edited: January 8, 2014
    iron420 and peewee1000 like this.
  15. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    Need I explain this for about the hundredth time???? Vs ai its great but pvp this is the worst idea ever. You essentially hand the advantage to the player who unlocks this supplemental commandeer first, and makes it off planet. Meanwhile the person who hasn't done either, be it they suck of were expending all resources dispatching another opponent on ffa, they are trying to manage eco and defenses and attacks. Whoever turtles off planet can now concentrate soley on attacking while their ai counterpart builds an unstoppable economy. The reward of multiple planets in ones possession should at least come with the penalty of having to manage them. Currently it isn't that hard especially with line/ area command to queue up a build on your new planet the return home. Its really not that hard. So no pvp ai assist, just to unbalanced. Vs ai tho go for it.
  16. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    If you don't expand off planet OR build a sub commander then you should be at a disadvantage I think. There is no reason I can think of to build a ground unit like a sub commander in orbit, and if it's built on the ground then why not build 1 even if you don't expand off planet? If you don't advance your tech and you don't expand what are you doing instead? Couldn't a sub commander help you achieve your goals, whatever they are? You are gonna get creamed if you don't keep up with whatever stage the game is at. Sub commanders or not.
  17. godde

    godde Well-Known Member

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    I support automation but I do not support AI assistance. The line between automated behaviour and AI is fuzzy but I'll get to that later.

    There are 2 big problems with AI as an assistant:
    1. Transparency
    It is hard for the player to estimate how an AI will perform. It is hard to predict the actions of a complex AI and understand its' behaviour. An AI might perform actions that directly contradict the players intention and if there is no clear indication of that then the player might end up fighting the commands of the AI instead of being helped by it.
    2. Usefulness
    It is unclear how useful AI assistance will be. It might perform better than a novice player but programming an AI that can perform complex tasks such as raiding, expanding and making defences in the right places is hard to do. IMO it is better to be able to set unit behaviour, place down building templates and use area commands to allow the player to perform higher levels of decisions. This is more akin to automation than AI.

    I can see a future game where you are a general and have AI subordinates performing your strategy. However, the player must either learn and understand the AIs or customize the AIs themselves before they can fully utilize the potential of such an advanced AI assistance while the AI must also be good enough to perform the tasks you give them.
  18. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    It, like most things, will very swiftly be a mod. Someone is aching for release, so they could go in, hook a mod to "give control of things to AI function" and have the AI use it like they would their own "thing" in it's own army match.

    So they will very swiftly make it a mod, and I will be envious of them.
  19. canadiancommander

    canadiancommander Member

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    I would love an AI for defense of other planets/ eco on said planets. As it stands now intercepting incoming attacks on two plaints is very difficult, while attacking on to different planets is some what easy, click click click let the units go and forget. It would be beneficial if there was an AI that could move units to intercept incoming attacks. This AI would need to be overridable though, placing any human commands before that of its own. This system would allow the player to focus on the grand stratagem of PA, knowing that your other planets are at least some what safe with the AI watching over them (maybe the AI could even warn you if it thinks it is losing the planet).

    A good example of this AI assistance system can be seen in the Total War games though not relay necessary, it can lighten the load of 40 units sluging it out (AI is kind of stupid though).
  20. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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