Do We Need Gentleman's Rules Anymore?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by brianpurkiss, January 2, 2014.

  1. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    A wall currently costs 200.. Might of been updated.

    I think currently. walls are a little too expensive for their value... sure they absorb fire but having a cost of 200 per wall is not very cost efficient compared to getting more defensive structures.

    I liked walls in Supcom and FA with their cost associated with available hit points. it was great to have 1 or 2 engineers build walls and not worry to much about the economic drain that it was causing to your economy.

    However, making walls cheaper doesn't mean that they should in turn be built faster. If there build speed was reduced by half or the engineer's nanolathe speed reduced by half to maintain the same time required to build a wall, I would be okay with this.
  2. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Moons and moons only!
  3. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Balance is better.

    Still have massive issues with pelters/holkins. Especially the holkins. Defenses are supposed to buy you time so that your army can engage, not make it so that your position is impossible to attack because the defences just eat the attacking army for breakfast.

    There definitely does come a point where land armies are largely irrelevant because they never get close enough to do any damage.
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    There is a critical mass of defenses where the defenses destroy enough of the army that they never actually gain ground, but rather hit a death wall of sorts. The only way to penetrate said death wall is to attack with more units up front and spread out in a line, but if its a choke point, that might never happen.

    It really works well early game, as both players have nigh impenetrable front lines, forcing them to resort to other means (flanking for vets, t2 arty and nukes for noobs). Late game though, turtlers just TURTLE, while the rest of us control the entire map. Works for 1v1s, but FFAs the best turtle wins, unless everyone else is just dumb and dies to the only other guy not turtling.
  5. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    Walls work kinda like directional mini shields as it is now. They are waaay too expensive to be used to block movement.
    brianpurkiss likes this.
  6. Tontow

    Tontow Active Member

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    I think walls are good now and spamming is not an issue, because walls have a very low target priority, but it could still be a lower.
  7. zihuatanejo

    zihuatanejo Well-Known Member

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    /me makes a mental note to build walls and see how they play out!
  8. damnhippie

    damnhippie Active Member

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    I still think they need a reduction in HP. They render any ground attack useless because the bots/ ants attack them by default while they are slaughtered by the towers behind them.
  9. bradburning

    bradburning Active Member

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    So back to the original topic I don't believe the gentlemen rules are required any more. Ever since they where created if I under stand it they have slowly been made redundant as the games balance ect has caught up with these issues. The other thing they said not to use exploits, but I can't think of any in the game currently.

    The one think that would be good to see is if spawns where uneven in a 1v1 game the game could be voided on the PA stats page, but I under stand this is impossible to do.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    This. Most people complain turrets are OP, and they are a lot more OP with walls. Not that they actually are, but turrets and walls cause massive attrition. If it wasn't for the fact that turtling makes you lose due to a 8-to-1 war with a massively swarming enemy, walls would be way strong.

    Also, AI uses walls and only 1-2 a turret, when he does it usually costs me 3-6 t1 units to deal with it via attack or flank.
  11. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    Walls are still hideously op. They are a lot less op then in the alpha, but they are still very op. That is mostly why most better players don't use them (along with the legacy of being op).

    In my opinion the only way to make walls less op (without dramatic hp reduction/cost increase) is to stop them acting like a mini shield. If your units cant shoot over them then neither should your enemies units. There should be some defenses and units that can shoot over them, but it should happen both ways and stay irrelevant of who build the wall.
  12. bradburning

    bradburning Active Member

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    I like the idea of units only defense and artillery units being able to shoot over them. Though I don't see it making them less broken. Most of the time when I hit walls (rarely) its some where the enemy does not have troops so they straightened the position with walls.

    I get the fact that the walls at their most power full when you also have troops behind them but you are paying a lot of metal to build enough wall do do it.
  13. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    This change its self won't make walls less broken, but it will allow other balance changes to make walls less op.

    You can say if a unit/building can shoot over the wall and you can say if a unit/building is big enough to be hit from behind the wall. For example, a laser tower towers over a wall. It can shoot at everything, but everything can shoot at it as its towering over the wall. Now the second example, a Pelter sits behind a wall. It can shoot over the wall, but it doesn't tower over the wall. So only units that can shoot over walls can hit that Pelter.

    Also if these changes were to be made, wall could become a lot cheaper/spammable and people can use them like they dreamed and funnel units down a chosen path.
    bradburning likes this.

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