So basically when I press space (Which to my knowledge at default is set to cinematic view), this happens: warning there's intense flickering I've gone ahead and reset my settings to see if I had some sort of conflict. None that I could find. Under camera I didn't see an option for any Cinematic mode. Space was set to "Celestial View" So I'm not sure what to think. Hope this helps. -Spicy
I see it's system with one planet, it's mean you have it saved. I can't reproduce it on random moon. Can you please post here planet generation details and also make screenshot of this system celestial view in system editor?
What happened to the free flying camera? It's the second time I've been unable to figure out how to activate ot.
Of course! I've got footage of it on other systems as well. I can show footage of it along with the details on those systems. Though I don't think its system related by the fact that it occurs exactly the same on other systems. But anyways... System Specifics: Single planet; Planet type: Moon Biome Radius 100. "Height": 75 "Temp": 0 "Water": 0 Seed: 27878 Biome Scale: 50 Planet name: (likely irrelevant) "Ardanian" Hope that helps! Requested Screen shots: Click Me! -Spicy
Can you please click "close" and post here X Y position of planet? Still even with this moon can't reproduce it. E.g I have a bit weird behavior, but nothing like on your video.
Postition x: 18966 y:-3608.44 Velocity x:30.0787 y:158.094 Mass: 1000 I didn't understand your first request relating too: "Can you please click close" I'm relatively new to the forums sorry, Close what? and how? *edit* you mean click close on the System editor. haha I'm an idiot. But with that matter, I did "Click close". I posted 4 Screenshots. Does 4 not come up? at the top it should "say first image, second image, third etc." -Spicy
Thank you, still wasn't able to reproduce it. Might be somebody else will have more luck here. Can you please submit it on bugtracker? Sorry I'm din't notice those links. They're looks exactly like usual robish text ads on web page, so I might never think it's actual links to other screenshots. This why I'm prefet to upload everything on forum. You already have this in your signature, any reason post it again in message body?