Space Lasers Lacking feel

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by halander1, December 10, 2013.

  1. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    The mental image of a laser satellite tracking a moving commander with a continuous death stream tickled me somewhat. It would be interesting if the laser itself used energy, to discourage people from doing such a thing...
  2. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    It does and higher energy cost doesn't solve the problem.
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Energy cost is like supply. If you need more, you build more. No big deal.

    If energy was linked to gravity wells, you could create a form of supply cap that only works on that planet. This can be used to do things like limit where units can be, who can invade, and how defenses work. It can do a lot of neat stuff.
    rippsblack likes this.
  4. ulight

    ulight Member

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    My vote goes toward making in a beam that is easier to target, but requires a short charge up before firing.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    The cannon does a direct damage roles (minus being able to shoot underwater, that makes no sense).

    The clunkiness does make it to where each individual target is a struggle, god forbid if they move.

    As for it's "looks", I thought that too but after knowing what it is capable of it is perfectly fine. If they did want to make it more powerful or awesome looking, that ring of light followed by an explosive energy pillar at the target location sounds useful as it visibly warns the ground when an attack is made and I always thought that was needed anyway (some visible signature on the ground that it is being attacked from orbital and not some ghostly dimension).
  6. broadsideet

    broadsideet Active Member

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    How come? Light can go through water just fine!

    On topic: I think the orbital laser is rather fine how it is (mechanically... not necessarily balanced). It should not be used as a unit sniper, but for taking out buildings. If there is a ground fire order, it could still be used against large groups of units.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Yes, it should be able to shoot underwater. That was what i meant. Its bad that it don't.
    rippsblack likes this.
  8. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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  9. gillza

    gillza Member

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    In "the beginning of time" the devs said they prefer "starwars" type of lasers... Thus we are stuck with the flying dashes. I do prefer the look of cybran lasers! That was the best implemented "laser" effect I've ever seen.
    cdrkf, ulight and Quitch like this.
  10. rossv

    rossv New Member

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    Wishful thinking here, but I wish orbital would be rethought. When first announced I was hoping orbital units would actually orbit. Throw out any geosynchronous orbits (current mechanic) and have the rally point of the orbital factory be a ring that the player can pivot about the center of the planet. Once laser cannon or radar satellites are launched they continuously orbit the planet and their orbital rings can be adjusted slowly by dragging the ring about the center of the planet.

    In this way, they will function similar to how actual satellites often function, you will get radar intel as the satellite passes over an area and then have to wait until the next orbit. To get intel for the entire planet, you will need to build a handful of satellites to physically pass over all parts of the planet, rather than the advanced radar just magically being able to see the other side of the planet.

    Or if you give a laser cannon attack orders, it will adjust its orbit slowly and then unload ordinance as it passes over the target and then have to wait until the next orbit; so it would look almost like a bombing run. I think this would make the functionality of the orbital layer more predictable and orderly without a ton of micro.

    I would like to remove orbitals fighters but maybe there is a better way to implement them, not sure. There are probably a ton of problems with this approach but at least it would help get away from orbital acting like a second air layer.
    rippsblack likes this.
  11. Gunman006

    Gunman006 Member

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    Since we are throwing our personal preferences in here, the actual beam/lazer whatever it is needs to be much more eye candy, but I would also love to see the Satallite "power up" before each shot i.e have red lines surge through it. Also the sound effects are imo 60% of the game as they can make a mediocre game give a epic feeling and the current lazer cannon sound effect is ridiculous to the point it sounds more like a spoof of what it actually should sound like.

    Take Homeworld series or Close Combat, those games really gave you the feeling of "hell yeah there is a huge epic war going on" which makes the house shake and drives your parents or gf crazy :D
  12. Ludsoe

    Ludsoe New Member

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    Since we are talking to the laser and how it doesn't feel much like a laser....

    I just want to remind you of a old mod for supreme commander forged alliance, Which i think has a very nice pew pew effect.... (The space laser should take inspiration from it)

    PS:Watch in Hd for the best feel.
  13. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    BlackOp isn't exactly old, and I should know! ;p In fact the current Artemis effects/model and one of the newer additions no less! Admittedly the Artemis didn't have as much in terms of effects/function compared to some other revised units but here were still changes.

  14. Ludsoe

    Ludsoe New Member

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    Well I guess it isn't old itself, but I think something like that effect would fit the space laser very much. Charge up with a targeting beam and final explosion shot that comes down. Makes it feel very nice when it shoots something. And its very scary when you see that above your base.

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