Hey guys, this issue I have has two parts, when replying please refer to a number of my issue so I can see clearly. I was playing PA today all day, there was no update or anything during my gametime. 1. Unit stat bars I used to have this on "Always" - I am pretty sure this option was there in the settings. It is not there anymore! On "Value dependent" the funcionality is limited. Where did the "Always" option go? 2. Waypoints don't show up anymore Basically, in before "something happened" I could see all the waypoints ingame. I could see ralypoints of factories, I could see routes of my units etc. I could see this both on selected and nonselected units. Now, the routes are gone. I can only see then if holding "shift". I also found out I can permanently turn them on by activating "caps lock". (Then I obviously type in caps to chat tho!) What happened here? In keyboard settings there is nothing with "shift" or "caps lock" I can change. I could see all the routes all the time normally just couple hours ago and now I cannot. I tries restarting my game and restoring default settings of the game, neither did help.
These features were removed because the were considered too noisy. They might be added back if the feature is requested enough.
Damn it... Ok. I totally understand Unit Stat bars... It was bizarre to see every unit with full health But waypoints? sometimes noise was great because it allowed you to see the full extent of your plans, relative to everything else. Particularly if units had got stuck somewhere.
Hey, I know and I am currently using that. But when can I toggle it by a keybind, why not have it in the options? Or at least, let us change this keybind in keyboard shortcut settings, it is really wierd to have it on Caps Lock!
If you press caps lock very rapidly, or press caps lock, press f5+caps lock (basically press caps lock at same time as UI reload), wont you turn caps lock off and the feature on by chance of lopsidedness? Or enter game with caps lock, and turn it off on first click that also turns feature on? Just a temp fix, I wouldn't mind the feature coming back as an option menu, in place of the health bars thing which I could care less for, even though I don't really use either of those as I developed habit of checking shift-hold very often.
That's true. You can also really quickly alt tab and reset caps lock without bad stuff happening. Windows environment obviously.