Thoughts on the New Patch

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by zack1028, December 18, 2013.

  1. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    Thought I would make this so that the dev's could view all of our thoughts in one place.....

    To start.... The new graphics build seems to need some more work. I was playing the game for about 30 min and it started to get skippy on me. It also didn't seem to remember the planets very well..... as in there were constantly little pieces of the planet that would go away and then come back. Also the system didn't seem to know how to focus the camera all of the time.... it kept on bluring sometimes and then it would get clear again (I notices this several times on the live streams the dev's did yesterday)

    As for the area commands..... I love them!!!! They really make building sooooo much easier. When trying to build power and metal, it used to be kind of annoying because I wanted it strait but it took to long to do it (and build a lot at once), now it takes just a few seconds!!!!! Great job on those. There really are helpful.

    For the notification..... I really liked those also. For team and single play they really help.... but I really found them to be most helpful later in the game when your working on 2 planets and something happens on another!!!! Also the notification when your commander is being shot at is really nice..... As for the future of these.... It would be really nice if after you build the deep-space sat, it would notifyyou when someone leaves the planet.... you know just as a notification.... All in all though great job... they really help you manage your base better.

    Love the new deep-space model and Icon!!!!

    Having the update for the anti-nuke seem to make it a lot easier to protect you base.... as in it doesn't take so loooonnng!!!! The increased range is also very nice and the cost increase isn't that bad since you get one missile with it now.

    All in all, this is a really good build and can't wait to see where you guys take the new graphics system.... Keep up the good work!!!!

    *Please leave your thoughts below.... I want this to be the official thread for the new patch, as in I want this to fill up so the dev's can see our thoughts on it
    mishtakashi and warrenkc like this.
  2. abubaba

    abubaba Well-Known Member

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    My worry with the area commands is that they will make all bases look a bit similar, buildings arranged in rigid grids.. I really loved the organic look the bases had previously. :)
  3. meir22344

    meir22344 Active Member

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    I found the new graphics lagged a bit to tell the truth
  4. RMJ

    RMJ Active Member

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    I think instead of being able to hold mouse and move it and it just build in square grids.

    You should be able to hold shift and drag mouse and it would build buildings of that type along which ever path you move it.

    I definitely think all bases looking square is bad, and less dynamic. Buildings are already really square, we dont need bases to look like huge square blobs as well.
  5. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Shift is already used to add things to the queue though, so it can't be that button. Control might work, I guess.
  6. cwarner7264

    cwarner7264 Moderator Alumni

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    It's a good thought, but IMO the logical place for this would be in the build thread itself
    drz1, brianpurkiss and Quitch like this.
  7. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    You do have a good point.... I'd say that bases will become less creative
  8. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    Well this devolved quickly.... if you don't like square bases don't use area commands.... problem solved.

    Notification for someone leaving planet??? Nah, you should keep your eyes out in my opinion. There should be some stealth allowed with getting off planet. You already have radar, and not to mention you can see your enemies trajectory as well....
  9. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    When you are having 5 battles on 3 planets and you need to build a forward base, I don't think you really care if your base is going to end up looking similar to the others ;)

    I for one love the new area commands since I hated placing a bazillion generators and mexes individually at the start of every single game. Also I don't really care what my base looks like, as long as it functions.
    mishtakashi, beer4blood and warrenkc like this.
  10. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    Actually I would like getting notifications about something entering or leaving your planets orbit (if you have deep space radar) since in the future when I have more planets, how am I going to keep track of what's happening on all my planets + orbital map? I only have 2 screens you know...
  11. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    I really hated having to click so many times!!!!!!
  12. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    I only have one..... it only takes a slight roll of the wheel to see what's happening out there. If the space radar were actually in space making it an easier target I might side on the notifications side of things. Not like travel is an instantaneous movement. Plenty of time to see what's happening save from planets and their moon's. Travel is quite short between them.

    With space notifications, sneaking off is no longer an option, unless you're playing a noob. You could destroy your opponents space radar, but its generally smack in the middle of their base. I think a little sneaking into space is ok, keeps you on your toes. Especially if your back is against the wall. Getting your comm out unnoticed can give you that pull you need to make a come back. Notifications just wouldn't allow you to do that anymore. You may say idc I want to know, but that one time you need to sneak off to try and recollect yourself, you'll be saying damn wish there wasn't entering/ exiting orbit notifications........

    Waaaaay off topic but, since we have notifications now, KNight has suggested multiple missile types from the tactical launcher. EMP is on his list. I think a nice implementation of an EMP would be, ( obviously) power loss on affected units??? ( I'm mixed on that since it essentially allows you to rout an area, but it is an EMP) but most definitely, you stop receiving notifications from the affected area...... making it a missile used by ninjas to sneak in the back door.
  13. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    Don't really think that this game is fit for EMP.... Just doesn't fit the style of the game....

    Nice thought though... .
    MrTBSC likes this.
  14. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    I don't think a game should be "dumber" to make stealth a viable choice. How about an expensive version of interplanetary transport with a radar jammer attached?

    All in all I want the UI to be powerful enough that I can focus on the important stuff like thinking strategies and putting them into action without having to do constant busywork.
  15. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    The current deep space radar should be the super double advanced expensive version of it. We should also have a cheaper orbital radar that can only see the paths of units coming or going from the planet that it gets built on. That way you can still have an early warning system, but unless you really want to spend a lot on it you won't get to see everything everywhere.
  16. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    Well I think that the point is that you don't need the deep space radar until the tech 2 stuff and by then you have enough of an economy to build it. . .
    beer4blood likes this.
  17. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    Right, but balance can be fixed for that. the current one can be way more expensive than it is now.
  18. Kruptos

    Kruptos Active Member

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    I don't think the cheaper version with less functions would be very useful. I for one rarely use the current deep space radar, since if I have reason to believe that my enemy has moved to another planet, I'll send a radar satellite there. I generally don't look at the system map often since in my games there's constantly something a lot more important happening on the ground.
  19. zack1028

    zack1028 Member

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    Well.... I do build the deep space radar since it allows me to view the orbital layer.. . While it is really nice to view the orbital layer... . I don't think that a cheaper deep space would be used much... .
  20. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    ugh seriously man, cut me a slice of some of that nice juicy patience you clearly have in over-abundance.
    beer4blood and drz1 like this.

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