This is something I've been wanting to see in an RTS for a while: Custom units. What if the unit designer designed a set number of pieces (like legos, lets say) and broke them up into catagories: Weapons, Chassis & mobility (for the sake of simplicity) and gave a default point system for basic and advanced factories. You could spend these points in creating a combination of different units. So, let's say your basic factory gives you 10 points to build a basic bot. Well, you could spend the total on a selection of different weapons, chassis and mobility (tracks, wheels, feet, etc). Depending on how many points you spend on a category will determine the different advantages and disadvantages of the unit. For example, you could spend more points on mobility than firepower, or spend a few points on a primary weapon (direct fire like a tank), a few points on a chassis (for varying armor strength), a couple on a tank tread, and whatever you had left over could be used to add a secondary capability (anti air, etc). You could also mass produce them like you would normally, only if you decided to build a different kind of unit, the points would go back into the 'pool' and you would spend them on the capabilities you need your new unit to have. I'd say have a line of weapons that had levels of damage and type of projectile (laser, rocket, etc). A certain amount of points for each of those, points to give to a variety of different bot chassis' (armor strength types) to put the guns on, points to select a mobility type (track, wheel, feet/slow, fast, faster). You could spend the points on building a recon unit that was super fast that had no weapons, a really slow, strong behemoth that did some damage, or a versatile walking bot that shot both lasers and anti-air with very weak armor. This way there would be numerous combinations of units that each players could come up with to answer whatever their opponent is throwing at them, and neither one of them would likely be using the same unit design. Also, you could save your designs for quick production. It'd probably be a lot of work on the unit developer's part to design all of the units using all of the different combinations, but if he could design the hundreds of units in a way that could be selectable, I don't think you'd need too many options to customize your units for it to get really interesting. I could also see where doing this in game could be difficult in the heat of battle, but if there was a unit editor that allowed you to rack and stack your different types of units before a match, that could be just as good as going in with a generic set of units that are already in game. In Age of Empires III, you were allowed to select home shipment cards before the game began. There could be unit "cards" with your customized units to go into battle with.
I say why not. but know that this feature will already be the case for the commanders. If I remember correctly (and Knight will likely correct me here) in the final game you'll be able to change their loadout (right arm, left arm, shoulders) before you start the game.
Modular units have been discussed before. Click here:
Also you could try out Space Engineers (currently in development): Design and build your own space ships then destroy them!
modular custom. modular will be for everyone, maybe certain modules will only be certain tiers. (or only compatible with certain commanders) I don't know. Yes KSP, really KSP 2.0 or something comparable. it's really closer to minecraft. there's not much orbit-mechanic. or taking off.
What info we do have commanders points out that their loadouts will not be customizable, but we don't know how relevant that info is anymore as it is almost a year old now. As for the topic itself, modular/custom units are a fairly old topic, we've had multiple threads on them thought most tend to be in the Backer's Lounge if I recall correctly. For me it basically comes down to the fact that I don't think it's a good fit for PA, PA is simply too large in terms of scale. Never mind the other problems with th idea like false variety(the idea that for a given role/task there will usually be a few 'best' designs out of the many many different combinations) and the extra developer effort and player effort just doesn't lead itself well to PA. Mike
Even if it was possible to implement without wasting developer time, I don't want it in the main game. It would be for a mod, but the units really need to be instantly readable so that you can respond to an attack without having to check to see what the units do.
Yeah, I guess it would take a little extra time to get to know the units you create before sending the correct ones into battle.
This kinda reminds me a bit how you could make custom units in KKND2, "very underrated RTS GAME" if you ask me. There all units had part, i believe it was light, medium, heavy, in armor, weapons and such. You could make the most hilarious absurd units. There was this teleport ability, We nicknamed it the Wushtank, it would teleport enemy units back away from it and doing dmg in the process. I really think PA is gonna have som HUGE modding potential for making some really awesome custom games. Could you even imagine like a transformer style game in this, where units could transform. giggle cream!.
As an addition to this: It's our third topic we discussed. We now have up-to-date information to share with you!
Some kind of future helicopters would be cool to have! It could be stable if they cant shot agianst air targets .
did you read anything? I'll just leave this here:
Everything, Just wanted to point out that i would love future Helicopters in planetary Annihilation. Anything else?
Ever heard of Impossible Creatures? That's the first RTS I ever played and it had customizable units as its main feature.