Hello, I just played a game with 1 planet and two orbiting moons, while on one moon we were able to nuke the planet we were orbiting but not the other moon that orbited the planet. 1. Is this just a glitch? 2. Were we somehow doing it wrong? 3. Is this an on purpose thing? 4. Are we just currently waiting for further implementation before we can nuke other bodies orbiting the same object? Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks!
My understanding is that interplanetary nukes can only be launched between a body and the body it is orbiting. In the case you describe above, the two moons do not have an orbital relationship with one another, but instead only share a relationship via the planet, so cannot launch orbital nukes at one another. At this stage, Uber are testing the way orbital interacts with ground-based units. This is primarily a balancing issue, so I'd expect tweaks to it at some point.
Don't know if it's a known issue already, and sorry for missing the opportunity to screenshot, but had a game earlier where one of the ravines in the planet had no 'bottom'. You could see right through the planet and out the other side. (looked cool when the sun was behind the planet though, like a giant glowing rift, or breach on the surface.)
It's textures bug, unfortunately such is useless without planet generation info. If you have this system saved then there is something to report.
Did someone ask for the planet crash animation? I had the luck that the game froze during the animation, so I could take screenshot By the way, I miss the old space view command, this one keeps rotating the system
Sometimes it's hard to distinguish if something is a feature or a bug. In this recent build I have noticed that making a big square over your base ( which has always selected all attacking units within the square) will sometimes instead select all fabricators and your commander. Can be a tad frustrating as normally when I select all units like this I have immediate concerns to deal with .I have not tested properly but seemed the times it happened there where more fabricating units than attacking ones. So basically I'm wondering if this is a buig or maybe something that has been added the latest patch?
Seems like it selects whatever you have the most of under the box. If you have more fabs under it, they get selected. I really don't like it because it can be hard to predict what will happen.
So that's why. I would call this a bug, as it is completely unpredictable. Unless somebody is used to counting stuff before selecting.
Depends whether it's intentional behaviour or not - either way, it's irritating enough that I'd say it should be put on the bug tracker, because it's not doing what we intend it to.
I actually like it. Though that's probably mainly because I rally point my factories far away from my construction projects, because I've always had trouble selecting the fabbers scattered across my base.