"Energy Generator" is not good enough.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by chirpinler, December 13, 2013.

  1. ooshr32

    ooshr32 Active Member

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    I like the idea of energy generation variety but I do worry about keeping it easily readable and not overly complicated.
    The complexity should emerge from the combination of simple elements.

    Just riffing on the idea I came up with the following:
    • Fusion steady output regardless of location
    • Wind steady output dependent on latitude (closer to the poles = high output)
    • Solar behaves in sine-wave output over the period of the full planet rotation (timing of min/max depends on longitude)
    • Tidal behaves in sine-wave output over the period of the moon(s) orbit (timing of min/max depends on relative position to moon(s))
    I'm less comfortable with varying the overall magnitude of output on per planet basis, but if it were to occur the multipliers would have to be immediately apparent and preferably NOT a list of numbers.

    Tidal presents the easiest one to me, do it based on the number of bodies orbiting, it's not realistic but it pops out at you right away.
    See a body of water on a planet with 7 moons? That's 700% tidal generator efficiency so get building those wave harvesters!

    Tying solar gen output to the distance from the sun in a sliding scale is a bit obtuse for my liking, something like a diminishing returns in fixed steps based on position order would be better, 100% for the first planet, 90&% second, petering out to a 50% minimum (2nd order orbiting bodies inherit their parents outputs.
    Unfortunately elliptical orbits could mess this right up.
    chirpinler likes this.
  2. patashu

    patashu New Member

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    This is not necessarily true. For example, Age of Empires 2 has randomly generated maps with four different resources that are fair to all players.
    igncom1 likes this.
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Maybe, but at the same time the maps were much, much simpler compared to the standard PA map.

  4. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    So does Rise of Nations.

    And it was totally possible to get unfair spawns if you spawned in the nomad game mode.
  5. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    Age of Kings is a @#$%ing pimp game. That's like saying a Porche can go from zero to sixty in 2.9 seconds, so its no big deal right?
    Last edited: December 19, 2013

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