Ok so this had happened to me multiple times, i get tho the end of the match and i cant find the enemy commnder. Once there were three planets left and i had an advanced radar on each but I could not see any units. Now my question is, can i see units in orbit around a planet with an advanced satellite, and also lsi how does unit spotting work when units are above a planet. I know units will often glitch out and never reach their destination when travelling from one planet to another.
If you dont have power the orbital radar doesn't work. Did you have deepspace radar? They might have been in orbit. There's also a glitch where strategic icons disappear.
That is a possibility, not sure if the advanced radar stuff also handles sonar type intel as well. Mike
I realizied that the commander was probably ion orbit and I did not know about the deep space radar because it did not have an icon but thanks for the suggestions