Commanders role on the Battle field

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by canadiancommander, December 12, 2013.

  1. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    they will be the same thing... like a BF/Cod weapon skin
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Are you sure? It's certainly one of the possibilities but we definitely don't know for sure yet.

  3. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    If they do turn out to be that way (not that I suspect that to be the case) The Realm will just have to add another mod to the pack.

    The Commander Expansion Mod.
  4. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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  5. alwaysarmoured

    alwaysarmoured New Member

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    I love how everyone talks about com rushing like this massive unstoppable thing that's a huge advantage to the person doing it. Two Commanders are evenly matched, if you lose to a comm rush its because they had more units or used what they had better, if you fend off a comm rush the other player is dead or missing a substantial asset in a team game.

    If they buff the commander up a bit its not going to make that the be all and end all because two commanders are still going to be mostly even in a fight, so you still lost because you didnt build enough units or static defences to drive them off or kill them.
  6. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    It's certainly not unfair, but it might be a little boring if we have all this cool stuff in the game but every match devolves into a three minute commander duel.
  7. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    can't help but agree with you here.

    while he is quite a good force in the very early game, you can really kill him (ONLAND!!!) quite easy.

    but maybe balance tweaks that we don't know of are somewhere down the road.
  8. alwaysarmoured

    alwaysarmoured New Member

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    Its not though, if theres decent odds that you're going to die then not every game is going to turn into an all or nothing commander attack.
    cptconundrum likes this.
  9. canadiancommander

    canadiancommander Member

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    -Good morning...

    A lot of good debate, though mostly counter my view (which is fine).

    I remember hearing some ware that they want this game to be an Esport. If this game is to be come an Esport it must be exciting! There is nothing more exciting then watching 2 armys with commanders in them duke it out. Will team 1 rush down team 2s com or will they destroy the supporting units? Team 1s com is getting low will he be able to pull back in time? O my god team 2's commanders rushing team 1's ... hes going for the Uber!!! Having commanders in the fight ads the much needed suspense to keep the viewer engaged. As it stands now every time I start watching Zaphod or brianpurkiss I get a little bored. Affter getting bored I will, A: play PA B: watch some SupCom or StarCraft.

    -Commanders in the fight and much needed Esport suspense-
  10. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    We aren't here to please the previous "e-sport thought". If you want to try and box PA into it you'll be disappointed.

    The point of the game is TO WIN. Not to be exciting for viewers, it's notions like that, which created WWE.

    I actually love watch two huge lines of troops punching their way into each other, the com would only add minor excitement for the fact that it would be a risky and dumb move late game. I want to watch a STRATEGY GAME not a Com dance or click-fest.

    P.S. E-sport excitement is based on opinions, not on fact. Please do not attempt to put our beloved RTS into a box with SC2, LoL or DotA2, not at all the same.
  11. Gerfand

    Gerfand Active Member

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    I mean will not be like:
    Com1 HP=12000, speed 8
    Com2 HP=14500,speed 7
    I know that can have something like:
    Com1 Green Uber Cannon, Missile barrage
    Com2 Blue Uber Cannon, Special weapon 2
  12. Grallen

    Grallen New Member

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    Some of my ideas for late game commander relevance (other than being a target to end the game)

    When the commander works on something, it should go a lot faster, even if he's the 90th unit to join the construction. I'm not sure which way would be the best mechanic for accomplishing this, but a few ideas come to mind like boosting the construction capabilities of the units working on the same thing as him or creating a discount on the cost of the thing he is working on.

    AoE attack speed(or damage) boost to allies attacking something he is attacking. A BIG boost, like 100%. It might sound OP, but they are gambling the game by putting him anywhere he can fight. It would also make it most costly to take the area the commander is working in.
  13. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    It can be said that as forum posters here, we represent the vast number of people who don't comment directly. Those who lurk the forums are already having their voices opinionated by the few people here commenting on this thread or forum in general.

    to get back on topic, I don't like a commander to be to strong since it gives the player the idea that the Commander is a hero and is on the front lines, when really the commander is a King and not to be used like a pawn of war. I'd rather have my orbital lasers speak for my commander.
  14. OathAlliance

    OathAlliance Well-Known Member

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    So wait, the Com is now becoming a Bard? In that case I want mine(or another unit) to be a mage, nothing like using fireballs or magic missiles, am I right?

    In all honesty the Com doesn't have any place on the front lines, that's why he can't build any big defenses(i.e. laser towers). Also the com will have specific abilities, we just don't know what yet. So if we start giving them different buffs/debuffs we could screw up Uber's plan when they get them fully functioning.
  15. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    To cut down on micro, why cant the commander auto upgrade to T2 when a T2 factory is built, so he can now build t2as well. Would make him usefull late game.
  16. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Because if you destroy your opponents T2, the commander can still build T2?

    Because if you destroy your opponents T2 fabs, " " " " " ".

    Because it makes the choice between T2 fabs, and T2 military, straight off the bat?
  17. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    The problem i have is after i build t2, i dont need my commander anymore. Perfect example: if i take my commander to another planet why would i want to start over from t1? The commander im sorry to say is worthless.
    canadiancommander likes this.
  18. iceDrop

    iceDrop Active Member

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    I didn't realize that, thanks. That leaves room for me to speculate a bit.
    Since we also don't yet know how the teleport mechanism works, what if the commander has a major role in that? I can think of a few possibilities, and one that would coincidentally address some of the issues in this thread would be:

    Only a commander can create an "exit gate".

    This would make teleport capability game-endingly risky in 1v1, but in larger team games (where teleport is more likely to be of focus for competitive gameplay) it'd be a calculated risk to plan alongside other beachhead-cracking mechanisms.

    Edit: This probably couldn't work unless a comm could somehow be sent across a solar system undetected, which isn't consistent with the current model. Oh well; move along, nothing to see here.
    Last edited: December 13, 2013
  19. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I'd say this is more so an effect of how Advanced is more or less flatly superior in balance to Basic currently, being limited to Basic structures, might not actually be a limit later on once some serious balancing has happened.

    cptconundrum likes this.
  20. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    If you don't think the game is exciting, then I question how many matches you have watched.

    It is very possible to have very exciting matches with the Commander safely protected in the middle of the base.

    From a strategic perspective, it doesn't make sense to send your Commander headlong into the battle in 9 out of 10 situations. The scenarios where a Commander fights are few and far between, and that's a good thing.

    tldr: The commander doesn't need to fight for the game to be exciting to watch.

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