What If We Remove GROUND Nukes?

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by LeadfootSlim, November 7, 2013.

  1. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Wait. Fighters can't engage the ground? Oh my god. It's Supcom problems all over again.
    lafncow likes this.
  2. Gossy

    Gossy New Member

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    I like the idea of having nukes with targeted roles, pinpoint high damage, aoe low damage, and not game enders. We could have a medium-long range nuke "cannon" unit, or even the unit cannon could be primed with a nuke "round" for some interplanetary shenanigans. But none of these are a guaranteed "I've won now" situation.

    KEW's should be the game ender, because that has been one of the main pushed features of the game. I didn't back this game just to be nuked to death, I want to see a giant shadow on the ground, say "OH F***", and be annihilated just like the dinosaurs!

    We just need asteroids to be much more liberally sprinkled throughout a system.
  3. sirlansalot

    sirlansalot New Member

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    How about a big fat NO!?

    The nuke/anti nuke system is about the best and most balanced thing there is right now.

    Its takes 4....thats right FOUR nukes to counter a SINGLE anti nuke launcher......FOUR! Build 4 or 5 anti nuke silos to cover your base and the enemy can forget about trying to snipe your commander from under them. It would take 17 nukes to snipe your commander.....17, he better damn well have a good and godly eco to build all of those in a timely fashion, meanwhile you can build nukes of your own, or a very large army/airforce, or even go after the moon (if you have one).

    I have punished a great deal of noobs who did not forsee the use of nukes, nor the use of anti nukes to stop there commander from being dropped. I had it happen to me ONCE...I now never leave home without at least one full anti nuke silo protecting my commander.

    So stop your whining and just learn, through game play, how to STOP nukes instead of coming here and bitching about it. Its an RTS game, witch in this case, means you got out played and out strategiesd
    nateious likes this.
  4. mushroomars

    mushroomars Well-Known Member

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    I think I'm just going to play without Nukes when the lobby options are implemented. Yeah, they're kinda necessary for the sake of nostalgia and because this is an "Annihilation" game, but aside from that they're pointless. I mean, TA's Nukes were on the underpowered side of the spectrum; their explosion radius was just bigger than that of a Bertha, and they were much less destructive than a Bertha. The only reason one would use a Nuke over a Bertha was for the Nuke's practically infinite range on smaller maps, whereas the Bertha and Instigator both had limited ranges. In SupCom, nuke rushing is a valid strategy sadly enough. Nukes aren't overpowered, as the match will usually end before they are whipped out, but eventually having nukes & antinukes becomes a must both as an offensive and defensive tool, but what this does is it locks down the map even further than it already is.

    Nukes exist IRL yes, but they are game enders in every sense of the word. In modern combat, "superweapons" don't really exist. Either you try to do things covertly and traditionally (I.E. with soldiers and drones), or you go whole ham and blow everything up.
  5. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Ouch. That's harsh.
  6. sirlansalot

    sirlansalot New Member

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    I meant in the general sense of balance, the nuke/anti nuke area is fine, there are other places that need some adjustment but overall the whole game looks good from a balance perspective. Nothing seems to be OMG OP NERF NOW or why the hell would you use XX unit that cannot be dealt with or made stronger through normal game play. MWO is sadly fighting this right now with trolls and idiots thinking XX is OP or YY doesn't work, when in that game, normal piloting skill and gunnery skills can fix.

    T2 tanks should wipe out T1 tech easy (T2 tanks vs T1, T2 just one shots em while T1's need to take 2-3 shots to kill one T2 tanks), thats a natural progression of things. The "power creep" of the game is right where it should be.

    Only major issue I see is Air and how useless Bots are. Air is very very very strong as there is very little you can do to stop it via defense wise (but I hear a T2 flack cannon is coming). As for Bots....they seem very underpowered for what there supposed to do, and the fact that building times for them is...kinda long for there usefulness. A one hit dead unit takes almost as long as a tank. There are two things you can do with bots (t1 anyways) either make them almost instant build but with very weak shots, making them a pure swarm unit, which is what they have been described as. Or keep the current build rate, but increase there HP and armor so they don't become insta pop. T2 bots seem to be in the right area for time in vs power out (build time vs firepower/HP). More experimentation is needed before I can really say much more on T2 bots.

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