7v7 cast with The Realm clan and the legend Brad Nicholson

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by masterofroflness, December 4, 2013.

  1. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    This is entirely true. Plus there are some planetary surfaces where units are completely invisible if you cant see icons. Even at maximum zoom in.

    I'm not even kidding. I actually had to use the free camera to rotate to see the shape against the horizon.
  2. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    First the forbidden word and now this. What is this kick Master while hes down day. JK but yeah I seem to talk faster then usually in this or is it just the fact I do not breath. The game is pretty fast paced with little room to breathe. I`ll try slowing down the tone of my speech a little more only talking in crazy fast levels when the action is appropriate or ill just breath
  3. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    It wasn't actually a criticism, more funny. With a little practice, you could start doing high speed auctions. Machine gun ability to talk coherently always impresses me. :)
  4. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    Seriously that was coherent? When listening back to this cast I thought I was speaking polish to be honest. But holy crap man thanks though if I continue casting at high speed auction levels of vocal speed then the non english speakers are going to get the back end of the stick
  5. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    You seemed to have the bug where healthbars were not full and thus, were displayed. Everyone agrees this part was messy. What I found entertaining was the game itself, the bases got huge so quickly and there were attacks from all direction thanks to the high number of players.

    I don't agree with you. While it is necessary to have icons in the zoomed out view, keeping the unit icons when the camera is zoomed in make the scene ugly.
    This is why I enjoy watching Marshall's casts, he has no icons when he is zoomed in.

    However, as Zaphod answered me in his video thread, the zoom level where icons disappear is still too high and needs to be tweaked and I agree with him.
  6. cola_colin

    cola_colin Moderator Alumni

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    I can just process icons way faster in my mind than complex 3D models. I'd assume that is true for anyone, but I may be mistaken.
    gunshin likes this.
  7. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    Thank you! I`ll fix the bug and change up it so that wounded units show health bars only
  8. pownie

    pownie Active Member

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    In my opinion the cast was perfect.
    I, too, prefer the icons being displayed all the time.
    Also I love that you're talking so fast and hope you keep it that way. I am one of those not native speakers, btw. For those who can't keep up with the pace, there are plenty of other casters out there, with slower commentary. So I'd even go as far as saying this (besides your humor) is your USP. Don't lose it, stick with it! It's one of the reasons why I keep coming back to your videos.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  9. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    Wow thanks man ! And yeah you are right those 2 are my usp but I also don`t want to leave people in the dust. It seems uncaring on my end.

    However the health bars have become something of a cluster I think it would probably look better if I had them on when the unit is wounded as it does make the game alot more presentable but your kind words are defs. appreciated its just the overwhelming consensus is health bars on all units all the times is messy.
    pownie likes this.
  10. pownie

    pownie Active Member

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    Oh yeah, definitely. I was only referring to the strategic icons that should be always on.
  11. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    The icons debate is something that I still need to think about as it does limit the casters and the audience members ability to distinguish units
  12. Gunman006

    Gunman006 Member

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    Well its a preference thing it seems, I prefer to zoom in on the big firefights and enjoy the fireworks even though I have to sacrafice my APM :D
  13. doctorfiet

    doctorfiet Member

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    It's funny:
    1. One really needs the icons to get a quick overview so you cant get rid of them even if you zoom in.
    2. One will stay zoomed out most of the time to retain the overview so you won't see any details most of the time.
    Why don't we consequently switch back to graphics from 20 years ago? ;) FPS will definitly go way up
  14. masterofroflness

    masterofroflness Well-Known Member

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    dem graphics tho

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