Some General Gameplay Suggestions

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ilyanep, December 4, 2013.

  1. ilyanep

    ilyanep New Member

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    I'm sorry if any of these have been suggested in the past. I tried searching and didn't find anything. Also, my experience is currently having played one game vs AI, and my RTS background is a lot of SC2 and DotA2:

    1. Control groups: Do they exist? I tried doing the typical ctrl-1 then 1 but nothing got re-selected. I'd really like to be able to control group armies, especially when I'm going halfway across a map.
    2. Hotkeys: I understand they exist, but I'd like more indication of them in the UI so that I don't have to read a manual or the settings to learn them. e.g. is a fabber built with [f]? Highlight the f in the name or put some indication there.
    3. Minimap: Is it a philosophical choice to not include a minimap? I feel like it'd make navigation much easier.
    4. Can't move: I got confused at first when I tried to build a metal miner with my commander at first and he wouldn't do anything. I thought it was a bug. Looks like it was just that he wouldn't step down a cliff? There should be some sort of in-game message to this effect.
    5. Graphics: Hope those will improve?
    6. Replays: Those would be great.
    Anyway, I'm very happy to see the progress that's been made. I love how it really feels I'm playing the games on a planet rather than a flat surface. I think with some improvements, it should be possible to play the game much faster and much more epic. Keep up the good work!
  2. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    Green is already implemented, but you're encountering a bug.
    Orange is already implemented. Replays are in the Chronocam.
    Red is just a bug. Don't spawn near cliffs!

    Blue is me telling you that Google is your best friend. Google "Planetary Annihilation Controls". Life doesn't always hand you everything on a silver plate.

    FYI Fabbers are NOT built with f.
  3. ilyanep

    ilyanep New Member

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    Hi, thanks so much for your reply. I wasn't claiming that to be the correct hotkey. I was more just using that as an example. I'm sure that Google would bring up a full set of the hotkeys, but I don't see any reason not to display it on the UI while playing. It'd offer a smoother intro to new players without sacrificing any sort of "rigor" in the gameplay.

    As far as replays, is it possible to get to chronocam not in-game? It is actually really awesome that you can rewind a game while there, but I'd like to be able to review old games / send them to friends to brag. (In this case, Google didn't reveal anything nor did poking around in the UI)

    Looking forward to the bugfixes! :D
  4. superouman

    superouman Post Master General

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    If you have an AZERTY keyboard, use caps lock to be able to select control groups.
  5. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    It's kind of messy ... I mean, we're not talking about a "Use your 'q'" here. Most of the hotkeys aren't visible on the UI, and those that are don't really need a mention on the UI (A for attack, s for stop, m for move, etc.)

    Maybe I'm a stupid new player, but literally the first thing I did after loading up Planetary Annihilation for the first time was to google Planetary Annihilation controls and use the controls I liked the look of. Adding controls to the UI is making the UI overly busy for no good reason.. I presume they'll be an actual proper tutorial, in which case

    I think it's a future feature ... but the Chronocam isn't ironed out entirely yet... Still quite a few bugs.
  6. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    You must not have searched much, many of these topics are covered in the FAQ or discussed very regularly on the forums.

    Control groups are already in the game. They should not be displayed in the UI because that would clutter it up. If every keyboard shortcut were displayed on the screen, we wouldn't be able to see the planet. If players want to learn all the keyboard shortcuts, they can go to the keyboard section in the settings.

    Here's a full list of keyboard shortcuts:

    Mini map has been discussed many many times on the forums. It will be implemented, but we don't quite know how. You can't have a traditional mini map for a spherical map.

    Units cannot go into cracks.

    Of course graphics are going to improve. Fully polished graphics are one of the last steps in game development.

    Replays are already in the game. Check out the Chrono Cam. And you can do replays after the match. When the match is over, review the game and bring up the chrono cam.

    In the future, we'll be able to save and download and share Chrono Cam replays. We'll then be able to pick up the game at any point we so choose. Want to play a tournament game you just watched? Simply download it, choose when you want to start the match, and viola.
  7. ilyanep

    ilyanep New Member

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    Thank you as well for taking the time to respond! I do apologize for bringing up old topics. That being said, I disagree with some of your explanations:

    • "Units cannot go into cracks." My problem isn't not knowing that, but that there was no message displayed or sound played when I told my commander to go there. Instead, nothing happened. As a first time player, I thought I was encountering a bug or something. Especially because down this cliff my commander wouldn't go, there was a metal pile that I wanted to mine.
    • "Hotkeys on the UI would clutter up the UI" If you check the command card for many other RTS games released in the last 15 years, you'll see that generally mousing over a building or unit that you can build will show the hotkey next to the unit name or over the unit image on the command card. For example, try Google image searching 'Starcraft II show hotkeys', or open up Brood War and mouse over an entry in the command card. I am aware that Googling will give me a set of hotkeys. The thing is that I shouldn't need to Google something that could so easily and unobtrusively be put into the interface and hidden behind a toggle box for people who don't like it. This is like saying that the UI shouldn't list the unit names when you mouse over them in the building menu because you can just Google the list of units and match them up to the image displayed in the UI. After all, the names clutter up the UI, right?
    • Also, from your link "There’s a keyboard shortcut option to build every unit or building in the game, but none of them have anything assigned by default." I feel like that ought to be changed by the final release. Hotkeys are pretty much essential to playing any RTS quickly, and having default ones encourages new players to play better and faster!
    Last edited: December 4, 2013
  8. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    I hear ya brother.

    Units not going into cracks.

    Ok.. Generally units will go where you tell them. You can't tell land units to move in water as far as I remember, you can't tell them to move into mountains or whatever either.

    You were playing on a moon, am I correct?

    There is a current bug with moon craters where units will get stuck on a crater. This can be bloody annoying. I'm assuming this is what you're talking about? Sometimes units will "rage quit" and will refuse to path down craters. Sometimes they get stuck in the crater itself, sometimes just get stuck on one part of it. (I say rage quit because I generally respond by reclaiming or deleting the unit)

    UI Hotkeys:

    I see your point. I'm used to other games. A mouse over would be "helpful" - but how critical is knowing the hotkeys to build stuff.

    UI Shortcuts

    The UI still isn't complete, unfortunately. I agree with you. Even in the current iteration of hotbuild, you can't use hotkeys to build catapults sadly :( Not that I've figured out. With my crap programming skill.

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