Underwater Commander not attackable with lasers

Discussion in 'Support!' started by FXelix, December 1, 2013.

  1. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    I just played a match and the other guy went to another planet, a water planet. But when I arrived with my laser platforms, I can't attack him in the deep water, this was really annoying. What can I do? Will this be fixed?
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    This is known.

    I don't know if it's a bug or feature.

    Right now the only way to attack underwater Commanders is with nukes, or submarines. In the future there will also be Torpedo Bombers.

    Just a byproduct of Beta being Beta.
  3. neilherzog

    neilherzog New Member

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    Yes, this is a bug which is still outstanding (FS#2550 in the bug tracker).
  4. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    Feature, IMO.

    In TA, only certain weapons could attack underwater, namely torpedoes and depth charges. Regular cannon fire, lasers and other surface weapons wouldn't hit underwater objects, which was the real value of being underwater.

    Currently bombers (T2 for sure) double as torpedo bombers. Although T2 bombers have gotten really bad at hitting moving objects... Seems like ships can usually shoot me when I'm underwater too though.

    If an enemy commander is hiding underwater with no support, the quickest way to deal with him is probably to send a bunch of fabricators to build torpedo launchers near him.
  5. greendiamond

    greendiamond Active Member

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    its not a feature and most units can now attack underwater
  6. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Which is hopefully a temporary thing. There is no reason to be submerged if every unit can attack you.
    Slamz, stormingkiwi and brianpurkiss like this.
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Don't hide.

    Generally, unlike ta where you cloak or went swimming, this game is more than generous with commander health and defensive territory. Why does it need to allow you to float in space or underwater to avoid attack entirely.

    Especially with the issues where he can attack anything but few things target him while underwater. My ships couldn't attack but he could, but my commander couldn't attack him and he couldn't either, and my subs couldn't either... generally i wish most damage applied above and below water the same.
  8. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    When you have torpedo bombers, torpedo launchers, destroyers and submarines what exactly do you mean by "avoid attack entirely"?
    Every unit being able to attack the sea floor means we can leave subs out of the game aswell - it would only dumb the game down.
  9. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I mean avoid attack entirely loosely, but still the same way.

    I mean, what tactically is the idea between "having a wide enough defended area to keep units away from your commander" and "sitting underwater"? One of those sounds "go to" on any and every occasion. It is outright stupid not to abuse that if it was a tolerated game mechanic. Just like it was any game before this one.

    One gives your commander absolutely no chance of being sniped. Bombers can't get them, if they could it is a 50/50 chance they are the wrong bombers, torpedo or regular, and with some quick moving you can get your commander out/in the water and avoid either type of bomber. Naval subs cant get him if he just gets out the water. He would have to outright lose his whole base to be gotten. Opposed to being sniped before total base loss under any non-water circumstance.
  10. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    Fair points. I don't agree however that this is the solution to this problem - as stated it makes any submarines and underwater units (amphibian tanks anyone?) completely pointless.

    A snipe however is a move that leaves the enemy little to no time to react - everything on one card so to say. There is no 'I just easily move him out of the water' - if your enemy does this you have already failed the snipe.
  11. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Submarines are already not the same as other games.

    I understand you seeing the commander in the water. I would suspect it obvious that a submerged submarine not just show up by default without sonar or something.

    But there I am arguing balance of the mechanic. Not fairness of the commander. I am just comparing the commander being underwater to "that jerk move" everyone wants to avoid being possible in this game. That one everyone does and you want to simply leave game over. If you keep this one, then why not make the commander cloakable? Why not make the commander able to stay in outer space? In orbit around the sun? Let him just walk right into and stand under the lava on lava worlds?

    Oh, what if in the one-day-to-be-released map editor, somebody makes a map where there is a enclosed mountain pocket around a tiny pocket of deep water, and every game the player gets a lander asap and drops his commander into that pocket of water so bombers naval and space don't get him?

    Really, if a unit gets to the commander, no magic should prevent interactive combat between the two. That is all my stance is.
  12. ace63

    ace63 Post Master General

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    They are confirmed to be changed so they will be the same as in Supcom/TA.

    Because those cannot be countered and should be considered bugs.
    Commanders in water however could actually be a pretty risky move, depending on how damaging torpedoes are.
    Besides - there was commander cloaking in TA and it was far from overpowered.

    There are stupid maps in every RTS ever made which enable similar strategies/abuse/etc.
    Why would anyone play on these kinds of maps? You can simply avoid them.
    Also there is always some kind of counter - just nuke him out of there as the space will be too small to build counters.
  13. stormingkiwi

    stormingkiwi Post Master General

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    1) it has never been a jerk move. If you can't build nukes or submarines to defeat him, you deserve to sit there for 2 hours in frustration waiting for him to come out of the water again.

    2) Refraction?
    ace63 likes this.
  14. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    How it should work:
    Lasers cannot shoot into water
    Missiles cannot shoot into water
    Orbital weapons cannot shoot into water
    Cannon weapons cannot shoot into water
    Bombers can bomb into water OR implement separate torpedo bombers
    Destroyers have an additional weapon: depth charges. They only hit underwater targets.
    Submarines can hit surface targets and underwater targets.
    Nukes hit everything.

    Hiding underwater is not a jerk move because there will be plenty of ways to kill them. Yes, the underwater commander can run out of the water to escape the submarines but who the hell just sends a bunch of submarines? When you run out of the water to escape my fleets, that's when the battleships kill you.
    stormingkiwi likes this.

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