PMs and why new people don't join.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by pianthen00b, December 2, 2013.

  1. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    Where do you get off?
  2. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Found a good deal on step stools incase you wanted to place your expectations higher. I think the rail is needed since you'll have all the weight on your shoulders.
  3. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Anytime someone worthwhile wants to make PMs happen, they happen. We used to find decent players and ask them to play then they would improve raw skill and be valued regulars. Lately there's this new fad of picking up every piece of garbage people find in pubs and running through the 12 step program to bring them from worthless to as valuable as a rocket turret. Where you do expect to go with a sniper who goes 1-32, or a support who goes 0-25? I've never met someone who is that bad at support but claims to be a main gunner, like when did we get so desperate to fill PM lobbies that we just became completely delusional to reality?
  4. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    My main point is NOT everyone is like that, so let's not treat everyone like that right out of the gate. Jurisdiction has been taking faces in PM's and has stepped up rather well on Tank and Sniper, two classes that new players rarely attempt, let alone hang on.

    Darkenmind has some potential, but isn't used to the PM meta that we follow. There's no reason why we can't give class and scenario specific advice to a player instead of asking him if he's ever played video games before, or if he knows what team he's on.

    I'm not trying to defend anyone in specific and theres obviously going to be people that I even agree are hopeless. However, I just don't think our default mentality should be telling people they're ******* terrible. I personally enjoy PM's and don't mind the new influx of players if that means I can still play a few private matches 3 months from now. I would still take those 6v6 skilled lobbies that we used to have any day. Beggars can't be choosers.

    I still think if you guys want to see people improve you should convince brand new players to try MNC. Yeah Murdok used to play back prior to Spunky, but I'm trying to work with him and get him more accustomed to the new meta. He's called out 10x as much as any of the usual private match players, and called out every anni essentially. You guys have to take experienced FPS players who understand all these concepts I'm talking about and molding them. Not your average for fun player who has so much MNC experience that they can still do well stat wise.
  5. joker

    joker Active Member

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    It sounds like those players are what we want in new PM players, that's fine. What I don't want is people who are so bad the team with them is doomed to lose bc they are just so bad at every class, including ones they claim to be their mains, and then what's worse is people defending these players and believing their excuses. If a player so bad is allowed to believe their own excuses they will just continue to contribute nothing and ruin games far more than anyone complaining.

    This is what I feel is best, I could care less either way, I don't play that often and am asked regardless every PM to play. I'm not gonna play a few games tho and watch familiar names just be flat out miserable and think "ahh it's ok, I've seen plenty of supports go 2-3-36 and snipers go 1-7-34 to be treated with equal opportunity and turn it all around to become a fun and contributing regular." Why should I be concerned about someone's feelings over a video game while a rooms time is wasted with someone who can't heal nearby players on red health or shoot bots with explosive rounds, two very elementary tasks
  6. motherfknskill

    motherfknskill Member

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    I played Gunner every PM yesterday and my index finger is ready to fall off.

    My supports were Awful but i was still doing pretty good. I usually prefer taking a new support on my team and working with him. but yesterday i wanted to Kill every last 1 but yosh.

    not all the blame is on the support during a match tho. as a gunner you cant be Yanking on your chain all game. its a DUO

    also i was running Rate3 and it was ehhh.. idk yet
  7. pianthen00b

    pianthen00b New Member

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    Chron you act like your God's gift to mnc players. If people are bad at a class and tell you they don't want to play that class don't bitch when they do bad. I was support and supposed to leash you but you kept taking routes that I couldn't follow you. When you were gunner and I was support on steel peel you kept going to ring by getting on the glass and jet packing right side. Support can't follow you doing that. Especially when we were spawn trapped and there were icetraps on our ring and in base. It is literally impossible to leash you under those circumstances.
  8. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    It's not that, it's the dying 30 times.
  9. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I haven't played gunner in months. This really just reverts back to that paying attention thing I was talking about
  10. joker

    joker Active Member

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    Yoshi is a perfect example. Admittedly knowingly has very little gunskill, but with intelligence and awareness is a valuable support and assassin. Also has always taken criticism well and communicates well with his gunner. A little effort goes a long way
  11. buffacumberreal

    buffacumberreal Member

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    I can safely say that Chron's gunner is one of the best I've played. I've gone up against Miracle, Shammas, Gunked, GC, Scratchy (inorite), Lead, Zatchmo, Chaos and I can say that Chron's is the hardest to kill for me.

    Also yoshi is a hell of a support and he keeps people leashed like it's his job :Kappa:
  12. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    So if you getting 0 kills on me makes me easier to kill than chron. What the duck is chron doing teleporting behind you and going super saiyan.
  13. buffacumberreal

    buffacumberreal Member

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    Also, your gunner gives me more trouble than Choiio's if you care that much.

    Also Also, my gunner is by far the worst out of anyone's in pm's.

    Also Also Also, Grindout is bad.
  14. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    Your gunner is leagues better than a bunch of players. Only a handful in pm's though lolumad.
  15. buffacumberreal

    buffacumberreal Member

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    Mikiah07 beats my gunner clean.

  16. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    UltraScott cleans house with your gunner any day of the week.
  17. buffacumberreal

    buffacumberreal Member

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    You never go full UltraScott...
  18. joker

    joker Active Member

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    This has all been discussed and agreed that Taco is the best gunner spoon.

  19. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    The first time I played a PM, I played sniper. I never played sniper, and only had default. I went something like 1 and 8. Then I played assassin. I went something like 2 and 45. We won both games, and I was given specific advice - don't die so damn much. I was more or less always last pick. I asked for build advice, what order should I buy skills, where should I stand, etc. I got better. At first, I never bitched (that came later). Even today, in any given PM lobby there probably is someone better than me at any given class, but I can pretty safely be put into any class and at least know what the **** my job is. That's all people are asking - sometimes you will lose a matchup, but you still need to be able to do your job. For example; Skill, Miracle, Gunked, etc. pretty much **** on my gunner, but I can still help my team beat his. I just have to be willing to fight.

    A huge part of the game is mental. You don't have to act like you are the best, but don't make yourself the worst by telling yourself you can't do something. Practicing in pubs helps some in terms of timing reloads and stuff, but the gameplay of so many classes is so different that it is almost impossible to get things down. The only way to learn is to play. Maybe you don't want to - I know I didn't. But honestly, I never learned how to play support properly until I started to play gunner a lot. I never really understood sniper until I played a bunch of assault. All of a sudden it started to make sense, because I started to understand the matchups better. I saw better players do things that I was able to do as well but never thought of it. It's a good time.
    motherfknskill likes this.
  20. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    I would like to address these points.

    1. Yep. Always been an issue. The game is buggy. People get frustrated, leave, and then everyone complains about team balance so we remake (this is important for point 6...)
    2. Yep. On the flip side, what if no one wants to play support? What, YOU can't be the guy who has to play it once in a while? I love seeing guys like Feedle play not tank. I love seeing Yoshi and Gem on not support. Gunked not gunner? Awesome! Chron assassin for once? I love it!
    3. Yep. Totally agree on this one.
    4. Yes you are expected to call things out - but no I have never heard anyone get ignored. If anything, it is A) people don't know who is talking and B) people don't understand the matchups and make callouts late. The vets know each others voices. I had Jurisdiction and Darkenmind in one of my games and one of them kept making call outs that he needed help; I was always late to respond because I had no idea who the **** was talking, and they were red bar by the time they asked for help (which is FAR too late). I have never heard anyone complain about someone calling things out too much.
    5. Yep. On the flip side, ask for help. I know it is tough to ask help from people who rub you the wrong way. It is like valididating them or something, and that is shitty. But not everyone is like that - people will take the time if you ask them to take the time. I have had Chron, Alphabet Taco, Miracle, Gunked, Feedle, LeadLP, etc. all show me stuff. I have personally taken a lot of people through the maps and various play styles. It gets done.
    6. Yep. But that doesn't mean don't take it seriously - when you start to organize some matches yourself, you will learn to HATE the people who don't at least act like they want to be there with 11 other people. It is disrepects them, and the time they have put in. See point #1

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