Hi I'm from the United Kingdom, looking for Planetary Annihilation players. My Skype id: jbaccrington@yahoo.co.uk Jonathan
Might I suggest you look here? https://forums.uberent.com/forums/looking-for-a-clan.80/ Plenty of clans that are open to new players!
There is a steam channel too, albeit small as well. Here is the link http://steamcommunity.com/groups/PlanetaryannihilationMP Also read up on it, and watch videos of gameplay. I wish someone would post a how-to/strategy guide for this game. I might, although if I did mine would be "slideshow"esque
I do have a gameplay tutorial. http://pamatches.com/2013/planetary-annihilation-tutorial-basic-gameplay-and-techniques/ I'm working on a less in depth, but much shorter, version as well.