It's time to talk unit ideas

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by neutrino, September 30, 2013.

  1. abuk007

    abuk007 New Member

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    True, but electricity is cool.
    How about WEATHER MACHINE! Create natural disasters at your enemy base?
    Or Tentacle bot, something aka Dr Octopus that can grab and throw multiple enemy units?
  2. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Scout bots on motorbikes
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  3. chronosoul

    chronosoul Well-Known Member

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    Can't wait for this thread to reach 1000 posts filled with a ton of cool units.
  4. TerrorScout

    TerrorScout Member

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    Commander bunkers both structures and mobile. T1 = structure T2 = mobile works as both commander protection and decoys if empty. T2 add transport over a type of terrain and is also a mobile high value decoy because if it does happen to have the commander its an instant win, if its empty its a massive waist of firepower.

    Active Radar jamming it shuts down enemy radar by blasting it with radar signals blinding it but showing the jammers location.

    Stealth units that cant be seen on radar at all only line of sight.

    Active camouflage units that are hard to see but show up on radar.

    Hardened buildings that are protected by Armor or bunkers and/or underground they cost more but are a lot harder to bombard.

    Small infiltrator bots that can enter unhardened buildings and capture or destroy them from the inside. Also able to sneak past radar and hide in the ground from sight. Able to climb like spider bots. If you have burrowing units they could be delivered to buildings under the ground. Could be melee attackers that could swarm like ants.
    thetrophysystem likes this.
  5. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    The tainter, has no firepower but turns metal and power generators into negative for the opponent, no increase for you, useful for the early game and for containing a turtler in the late game whilst you bring up your forces to solidify the area
  6. Tyrantking000

    Tyrantking000 New Member

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    The tortoise- armored transportation for robot construction units where the tortoise takes damage while protecting the construction units from gun fire on their way to a location. Holds three bots
    cdrkf and carn1x like this.
  7. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Not a unit choice but perhaps the astreus could be changed for loads, say 1 commander = 6 basic t1 fabbers or 3 adv fabbers
  8. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    Ok, so I have been thinking about what I would do if I wanted to release the best units of RTS games but maybe even better.

    1. The Can/Brick/Percival - add submersible (of the Brick) to the Can for sure
    2. Stealth/Submersible Tank - What's more surprising than a submersible stealth tank?
    3. Pelican/Panther/Titan - What's more useful than a fast tank with some AA too?
    4. Siege Tank/Brick/Spider - This unit gains range and armor when it is not moving.
    5. Stun Gun - What's more fun that watching enemies get caught in your stun ray?
    6. Super Blaster (BLoD) - long cool down, ammo - One shots double barreled towers and does immense damage to Megabots.
    7. Spie/Flea - Stealth Recon - Tech 1
    8. Radar Bot - Mobile Radar
    9. Flakk - on wheels
    10. Obsidian - Heavy Tank with Shields
    11. Jammer
    12. Blink Tank - Teleporting Tank
    13. Zero K Sumo - Jump Jetting Ultra Heavy that does splash damage around it's landing site
    14. Megabot - Can be used as a pillbox for your commander.
    15. Stealth Mega Transport - Nothing says surprise like a hundred units coming out of no where.

    Also, I am working on a Google Spreadsheet of generally what people are proposing, but I am only on page 5 of this 40 page thread, so stay tuned.
    Last edited: November 30, 2013
  9. Bastilean

    Bastilean Active Member

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    So one of the items I have seen come up a lot is players requesting an Orbital Dive Bomber.

    Many players may be thinking of the Seraphim Exp when they say this, but it brings up a very interesting strategic dynamic to the game. What if orbitals had to enter the atmosphere to lay the wood?

    Maybe this would make more sense for a mod, but it certainly would connect the different layers: ground, air and orbit together much more than they are now which for a player like me would probably feel like a better experience.
  10. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    @Bastilean I hear you on that I'd rather see something new like Kinetic javelins just sending chunks of metallic spears into the ground, a lot of the ideas just seem to spawn from other games
  11. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    Well.. Right now I am missing different types of weapons. I really like to see more laser beams, EMP pulses and electricity as weapons. It adds more color to the game.

    Another thing that I would like to see is different sizes in units. For example a rocket unit could be bigger due to the size of the rockets it needs to fire whereas a laser unit could be smaller.

    Last thing is the difference in attack power. I would like to have a choice between swarm units (cheap and effective in large groups) and powerfull units (expensive and good in small groups).
    Gunman006 likes this.
  12. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Nuclear land mines, you plant them in your base, the idea is you've been forced off the planet perhaps to another planet and your enemies have launched a final assault on your base that was left, BOOM you've weakened your enemy whilst buying yourself time to rebuild
  13. ascythian

    ascythian Member

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    In regards to higher class units, experimentals as you will, maybe if they were more specialised and/or have a unique role to play in regards to defence/attack. More in line with the Fatboy as a moving factory from Supreme Commander 1 & 2.

    So instead of a Krogoth huge unit, you have a kbot that has 4 advanced anti-air missiles, 2 to an arm that can fire at approaching aircraft from long range. A giant spider bot that has no weapons of its own but instead can be told to deploy into the ground and act as an energy laser capable of hitting planets when you do planet drive-bys [inspiration from Starship Troopers 1st film]. A giant hovercraft that can carry an army in its belly and with a giant cannon on top.

    Also forward teleporting kbots, can only teleport a short distance forward and it uses energy to do so.
  14. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Jetpack add ons for the commander!
  15. dsiOne

    dsiOne New Member

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    An artillery unit (static or mobile) that has a Combined Attack command fire mode that targets a zone with shells. Uses ballistic calculations to time/angle shots so that a # of shells land at nearly the same time all over the target area. (Target area = box dragged command? ..."Do X all over *user defined area*" could be expanded to all sorts of things, easy macro'd power gens anyone?)

    An active radar unit that has a Active Radar command fire mode to expend energy to get a large cone of radar intel in the direction of the target. Width of cone varies by distance from targeted zone - farther away = narrower cone to meet the area (outside of a certain minimum range that uses the default cone)

    A unit that can lay traps - mines, barriers, tank traps, holes, trails of DoT acid... something...

    Cheap orbitals - All you do is fire and forget so to speak. Individually built (engis build rocket w/ payload on-board at build order location), they receive one move order after being built, this launches them and determines the direction they will orbit in around the planet. Cheap spy (vision) sats, cheap radar sats, cheap solars. All at the expense of near zero control (besides the first move order and Consume/Conserve). Solars of course only work in sunlight...
    Ballistic orbital rod penetrator weapon - same as any other cheap orbital, but with a fire command that allows you to bring it down on anything in its orbital path. It's a unit, not a projectile, so it can be shot down by orbital fighters in orbit, and anti-air as it comes down. (Perhaps with a 'true' orbital version ala the Laser Platform that has a limited regen payload like the bombers)

    An orbital version of the trap layer - Render a section of orbit full of DoT ball bearings (or some such thing), any unit passing through takes damage over time while in the area, dissipates over time as the bearings flame out harmlessly in the upper atmosphere/cannot penetrate the armor of ground units on atmosphereless planets.​
    Last edited: December 2, 2013
  16. dangoofed

    dangoofed Member

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    How about a Dr strangelove style contigency building? if it gets bombed or hit with stray fire it sets of a mini- nuke that takes out everything in the immediate area. It would could work to create really cheap buffer zones or force enemies to really finese invasions, kind of like a mine but on a much grander scale. Or self detonating demo trucks
  17. Gunman006

    Gunman006 Member

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    Oh yeah I second that about the colors, this game really needs a lot more eyecandy. Just watched the new star trek movie, and even though the story is not much compared to wrath of khan all the eyecandy still made it a entertaining experience.

    I understand if Uber are waiting to make more eyecandy with different color lazers, more light effects, different type of explosions etc in order to optimize the game first, but I would love to see i.e more of the commander plasma cannon on more units or something similar to that effect. Cannons are cool but when every ground unit fires the same type of weapon that looks exactly the same it looks bland even though it works.
  18. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    So many random ideas here lolz

    But I want the next round of units :) Speculating is just killing me here lol
  19. GreenBag

    GreenBag Active Member

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    Isn't that the point of this thread to give ideas for Uber to use? Although I'm curious as to what they pick and hope they put up on youtube the ones they liked the sound of
  20. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    Good luck with that, mate. Honestly, I don;t think they will tell us their decision till much further on - New Year's time frame, methinks.

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