Is this seriously going to be coming out in a month or two? Really?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by smallies, November 27, 2013.


Do you think PA will be transformed into the great game we all want it to be within 60 days?

  1. Not a chance.

  2. I'm confident it will be amazing.

  1. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I have a AMD Athlon II x2 cpu, a NVidia GeForce 9500 gpu, and 4g ram. It runs fluidly to me even up to large games. I got 20fps on a 10 small planet game vs ai yesterday, and a 4 planet game with 4 players the other day. (also, I do play on lowest shaders turned off as well)

    Some people are having trouble generating planets this update, with 16g ram.

    It is beta. This game has so many possible issues that could slow it down. Graphic/audio drivers up to date? Have any auxillary processes running in background? I ask that only because those "other games" your computer runs well DONT run coherent so it is possible coherent can open web browser plugins. SLI? If you have two graphics card, you should already know even new games don't have dual gpu support their first week of release (AC Black Flag). Also, generally, this game has a rougher time with amd and ati type chips, so troubleshoot.

    If you really think you computer should run this game better, don't blame it (entirely) on the game, troubleshoot why. Since this game is still beta, you can't really blame the game anyway until they release it and it still doesn't work for you. Also, even then that's sketchy, since AC Black Flag has to update its SLI support based on user technical difficulties. Really, you are only entitled to share with them the problems you are having, so they can do work to rectify it.
  2. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    Yes.. that's why I am arguing that my performance issues are due to the game, not my PC.

    I capitalised it to place emphasis that the game was in Beta.

    Oh yeah I am aware and fine with the performance issues. I dunno where anyone got the idea that I wasn't OK with it.

    Yeah my drivers are up to date, the only processes in the background are chrome and skype. No SLI. I saw the stuff about not using steam or turning off steam overlay and it helped alittle bit.

    I have been looking around for trying to get it to run a little better, and I totally understand that it doesn't run perfectly. I really am not expecting this game to run great, I was merely telling the other user that it is most likely an optimization problem and not a personal problem.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    You misquoted me, the quote's name says Derek or something.

    Anyway, have you tried going into NVidia control panel and enabling forced threading or something? SXX promotes that causing GTX graphics cards to run this better.
  4. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    Actually you quoted me, quoting him. So you misquoted me.
  5. mgmetal13

    mgmetal13 Active Member

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    Where is this 60 days coming from? Based on how many changes they said they are making in the live stream, I would say it is going to be about 3-4 months till release.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    They never said it was a gurantee, just an estimate. It is just as possible you are right, as it is they are right. It is more than likely somewhere in the middle. It isn't a problem either way, we can just work one step at time to get it there, one improvement at a time until this game's amazing.

    No, I am not talking semantically turning words around, I literally mean...

    Ugh, you know what, take a look for yourself...

    Attached Files:

    stormingkiwi likes this.
  7. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    oh OH OHHHH.

    No idea how that happend, my bad for not understanding that.

    I don't have nvidia though, I use AMD.
  8. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Oh, I thought you were scrotty (read his specs instead). Well AMD tend to fight against this game for some reason. Honestly, you should be experiencing improvement though with the stability patches.
  9. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    no offense but, isn't the game already released to those of us who play it? everyone needs to calm down about the release date "it doesnt matter"

    anybody that buys the game now going forward gets instant access to the game, and by the way, steams page does not say releases in december, it says later this winter.
  10. Gunman006

    Gunman006 Member

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    Ah, another TA/Supcom fail thread.

    This game sucks+tedious whining.
    One or two condescending "compliments" to Uber that is is not really their fault and that they can still make it good but only if they just listen to "fans" and get their **** together.
    Usually ending with a threat the they will not play the game until they see the improvements they demand.


    This never fails, the worst fans a franchise can have is the hardcore nerds, they feel such a "ownership" relationship with the product/image/universe they venerate that nothing is good enough compared to their own vision of it. Being a GW player I know this sort of tedious whiners all too well, it's never ending nerdrage. Even with all the nerdrage these fans still continue to play.
    Last edited: November 30, 2013
  11. AyanZo

    AyanZo Active Member

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    It's not going to make December, I've hit that fore-gone conclusion. But the hours I played and put into it in the alpha days, I'd say was well worth it for the premium . Alpha users had the ability to shape a few decisions made during that track.

    In terms of speed, well it's not a fixed map like SC or TA, in fact it's many maps so it requires more resources off the bat, even with the reduced poly-count.

    I'm of the fan that at strat-icon zoom level, you can 'poof' the models behind them. On moon fly-by's, a low resolution flat texture or low-res model.

    ie; LOD LEVEL = #

    where on low LOD LEVEL, you'd get the low poly model (or even just the flat texture), on high LOD LEVEL we get all the bells and whistles.
    Gunman006 likes this.

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