Edit: Ignore this thread. I messed up with the poll. Hello everybody, I think they should make a page where the community decides what to implant next. For example start with two items: Improve the economy or improve the orbital part of the game. Then the community can decide which one Uber entertainment should focus on. This is not ment to let the community choose everything, but it's ment to let Uber Entertainment decide which features to implant by testing the community what they prefer to have implented. Of course the features have to be possible to implant. Endless space had it and it is one of the best games I've ever played. *After community in the poll needs to be added: by voting directly. I know there is much inluence from the community, but mostly indirectly. This gives a more direct approach while Uber Entertainment is still in full control which features to implant.
Don't you find that "PA needs more influence from the community" and "which possible features have to be implanted" it's a bit different things? I do like idea about some votes on some features in future, but only devs have to decide what game they're creating because I'm seen pretty much community-developer games and none of them have finalized design.
^ this ^ The Community influences PA a lot – but we should not dictate the game. For example, in the latest live stream, Uber stated they'll be adding flack artillary due to overwhelming interest in one from the community. Uber has a vision for the game, and I trust their vision. We don't have the full picture of the game, therefore we cannot make completely educated decisions on the game. We can make suggestions, which Uber listens to.
The problem I have with what your suggesting is that it'll just basically devolves into hundreds of people shouting "ZOMG I WANT _________!!!!1!!one!!!" With no thought into how it might effect everything else in the game. In one of the first few Live Streams Jon said that the best way as a backer to influence the game is the hop on the forums and make good, intelligent, thought provoking and in depth posts. A sine person explaining why they feel some will be of benefit to the game, using examples and explorin implementations, pitfalls and interactions get a lot more dev attention then 100 people loudly exclaiming they want something withe no explanation and/or reasoning Mike