Is this seriously going to be coming out in a month or two? Really?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by smallies, November 27, 2013.


Do you think PA will be transformed into the great game we all want it to be within 60 days?

  1. Not a chance.

  2. I'm confident it will be amazing.

  1. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    Absolutely agrees. Anyone who is complaining about the game we have right now, just go watch the last livestream.

    But I'll summarize:

    1: a ton of features are in the works.
    2:it's heavily implied, that the game will not be released until it's actually finished, and all the planned features are in.
  2. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    i Have watch all the last livestream.

    And i dont see nothing new ,and a dont think some importante paches will change anithing like it is now,there is no time now.

    Its like iff they only want released PA in 2 years the can because they cant do that.

    But dont worry like i always say we are only 5 /10 players who are not happy with PA , all rest players love it like it is ,so its all ok.

    Game will be released and you guys will love it play,and that good since we cant have all the same taste.
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Kalherine, if you want to quote me that's fine, but make sure your post is actually relevant to what your quoting please.

  4. cptconundrum

    cptconundrum Post Master General

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    So go play TA.

    Nobody is stopping you from playing old games just because they are making this one now. TA was and is a great game, and I still play it from time to time. If you expected them to just remake TA with better graphics though, then you have made a huge mistake. It was clear even from the kickstarter video that this game is not going to be TA, just similar to it in many ways.

    It's actually a testament to how good the developers are doing that people are comparing this game to TA at all, because right now the game sits in a gray area where some players can barely tell the difference between the two. If the developers had made this game less like TA, people might more easily recognize that it's not the same game at all.

    They're taking the best parts of TA and combining them with new ideas and new features that are only possible now because of advances in technology. Not every good idea from TA will make into this game, because this is a totally different game.

    The kickstarter video never showed multiple factions and it didn't even have a huge variety in the units it showed off. I'm a big fan of niche units that have very specific purposes, but I'm not convinced that they are necessary to make the game fun. We can have strategic depth through making the game bigger, rather than just through unit variety. This isn't really an issue though, because they are adding more units anyway and I think the game actually does have a couple specialized units already.

    For example, I rarely see people building T2 mobile artillery. In a close-in fight, they die very quickly and don't do enough damage. however, I'd like to suggest that any of the people I've seen complain about walls try out the T2 artillery bots. Any time I'm up against a walled-in defensive line, I bring in the stompers and break through quickly.

    Is it possible that some of the people complaining just don't know how to play this game?
    drz1 likes this.
  5. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    I'm confident the game will be amazing but not out 60 days
  6. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    Mechanically I think the game is pretty sound now. The only real mechanical problem I see is interplanetary combat. Even with a unit cannon I'm not entirely sure that's going to fix the pace of the thing.

    Things like adding in units is small potatoes. Balancing them may take longer but then, "balanced units" has never been a TA-genre strong point. :p

    So I think the OP sees the game as far more broken than it really is. Once the bugs are gone and if the mechanics are solid, adding content like units is quick and easy.
    drz1 likes this.
  7. siefer101

    siefer101 Active Member

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    the whole reason that everyone got their beta keys this early has to be so that they could push the formal release back. this line of thinking has not been confirmed by Uber Ent yet and is speculation.., Logically thinking this has to be the reason and frankly whi cares, I trust that you Uber entertainment will release the game when they decide that it is ready to be formally released
  8. popededi

    popededi Well-Known Member

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    I think this is where we misunderstand each other. I see the current state as the foundations of the final game.

    There will be way more units added. The current orbital is not much more than a placeholder so mechanics can be tested and refined, bugs ironed out and when it works properly, units will be added and the whole,thing will be finalized.

    You mentioned that "there is no time now", and with this I disagree. December is not a deadline, it is an estimate. The game will be released when it's finished.
  9. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    I am running a Nvidia 850GX video card. 1 GB video ram, AMD Athlon(tm) II x2 270 processor at 3.4GHz, 8GB ram, on windows 7.

    I run with minimal settings and resolution scaling of 50%. I get 15 FPS on Earth type planets and 30 FPS on the others.

    Based on this, the problem is somewhere in your computer. Not how well optimized the game is.
  10. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    Then explain why my game runs so poorly. You can find my specs on the previous page near the bottom.

    As a note I can run AC4 with nearly everything on max, apart from soft shadows and AA and get near 60fps constantly.
  11. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    It's not just "important patches", its "entirely new features and units" can this not change the game dramatically??

    Also, where do you get the impression that 50% of the user base is dissatisfied? Doesn't feel like it from where I'm sitting, although admittedly, a fan forum like this is a biased section of the total userbase.
  12. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I've said it before and I'll say it again, threads like this, rather than genuinely constructive threads (which can still be negative, I might add) do nothing to add to the game, or its development, and only seem to incite vitriol. I too am victim to this :p
    zaphodx, FSN1977 and popededi like this.
  13. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    *thread is turning into "2 months till release..." thread 2.0.*

    Seriously, what is the point of this thread?

    Can you say the point of this thread is constructive?

    I doubt you can argue, that there is absolutely no point to this thread except one: Incite negative feelings through destructive criticism.

    Be clear too, there is constructive and destructive criticism. Do you hear some of these comments? Are they anything but the latter?
    drz1 likes this.
  14. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    I don't see why your computer runs so poorly. But it is obviously something other than the game optimizations.
  15. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    Oh yeah? Why is that?

    I think it's safe to assume that it is the games optimization as opposed to my PC. My PC can play other games at very high quality yet it can't play the BETA GAME very well?

    I know what I would rather put my money on.
  16. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    It varies wildly per computer
    some can easily run the game with a crap computer and some beasts can't run it.
  17. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    Yes because the game hasn't been optimized properly yet.

    It isn't something on my PC causing that which Nullimus claims.
  18. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    I don't know why you have capitalised 'beta game' - you realise a beta will run much worse than 'normal' games, because it isn't optimised and such?
  19. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    well yea. My gameplay experience has improved massively over the patches but i've seen people for whom it has gotten only worse. So it's a very big "your mileage may vary"

    we don't know how other games far in the 2 months before release. Minecraft still introduces more bugs than it solves each update. Hell, it wasn't even finished when it was released. And EA only has "polish" betas that are essentially finished products
  20. nlspeed911

    nlspeed911 Member

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    Mhm, I can more or less play with an AI, but my PC isn't really capable of playing the game... Oh well. I'll have a better PC in a few years time I guess.

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