Is this seriously going to be coming out in a month or two? Really?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by smallies, November 27, 2013.


Do you think PA will be transformed into the great game we all want it to be within 60 days?

  1. Not a chance.

  2. I'm confident it will be amazing.

  1. enlightdm

    enlightdm New Member

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    Does anybody realize that TA and SupCom1 & 2 are Chris Taylor games ? and this game is NOT.

    People complain because they don't like the game in general. Then, we can debate about this feature or that one, or performance or bugs or beta stage or not. The general feeling is that many people that LOVE the genre and backed this project (me included) are now being disappointed.

    I also believe that bugfixing and adding units won't fix this game. Some core mechanics must be redesigned.

    Its not a matter of features, its a matter of the overall experience.
  2. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    I'm of the opinion that the negative views on this game are the vocal minority, not the silent majority. I could be wrong, I guess, but I still don't understand where all this disdain for the game suddenly came from, considering that the team are essentially achieving exactly what they set out to do...WE NEED ANOTHER POLL! (Don't tell Quitch)

    P.S. And if I recall correctly, most of the complaints about this game are often about bugs or features that don't exist yet, which will be fixed for the official release. Not the same as "not liking the game in general". If anything, most people say they like the game in general, just have issues with certain things.

    Personally, I think the problem stems from whiny, entitled gamers, but hey ho.
  3. enlightdm

    enlightdm New Member

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    Be careful, again, these are gamers that are already fan of the genre and even sub-genre (TA/SupCom and not StarCraft for example).
  4. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    ...Who tend to be the whiniest and most entitled of all.

    I'm generally quite forgiving of most media (I tend to hover at around 10-20% higher review score than most, if you know what I mean). so I suppose I let a lot more slide than others.

    I have been a fan of this genre, on and off, for ~15 years, playing TA after high school and such, so I think it is entirely valid to vent my frustration at fellow "fans" who seem to be focussing almost entirely on the negative, and not on the positive. I honestly, purely, wholeheartedly fail to see how any self respecting TA fan could say this game is going to be awful, given what the devs are trying to do with it, their history, their pedigree and passion for the project.

    Sorry if this sounds arrogant or aggressive, it just really winds me up when people do this...
    snierke and ace63 like this.
  5. Bhaal

    Bhaal Active Member

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    I feel exactly the same way.
    Ta was so awesome and pa does not even come close to it. Playing on a sphere does not make the game good. I cant even imagine what they wanted to release for only 900,000$.
    kalherine likes this.
  6. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    so many of the things mentioned in that post are being worked on for final release..another reason people are getting their knickers in a twist for nothing...
  7. duncane

    duncane Active Member

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    Wow that's harsh. I am now certain you are not the Bhaal I remember from supcom times.
  8. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Play a rts in sphere planet will be a game to few players,the usual RTS player only like flat maps dont come tell me other thing.

    For me PA is only to players that arent ust to good RTS or at any rts game,and they come from RPG games.

    (No one make rts on sphere planet ) iff you want that game become good for so many reasons.

    I already saw 3 magazine reviews say that, i imagine when game be released.

    And PA got nothing similar to PA or the fantastic SCFA,its a game like Zero-k,they just grab some ideas.

    But they now very well its impossible now make the same quality game,its just let run the water and see who will buy!

    We cant wait milions players, will only buy a game to play a rts on spheric map and make only 4 units for tech ,and put them go on a linear walk to enemy base without any entusiastic tactics,thats ......

    Or just play like all players off PA are play, (Simcity)

    The amount off votes that say ( Not a chance.)
    PA will be transformed into the great game we all want it to be within 60 days?
    ...SAYS ALL
    Last edited: November 29, 2013
  9. Schrotty

    Schrotty New Member

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    My PC Specs:
    CPU: Intel Core 2Duo @2,66GHz
    GPU: GTX 650TI
    RAM: 4GB DDR-2
    Resolution: 1680x1050
    FPS: 50 - 60

    I don't know what, but you do something very wrong.
  10. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Surely the 44,162+ backers are wanting to play on a sphere map.
    cwarner7264 likes this.
  11. Devak

    Devak Post Master General

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    This thread is just one in many threads that all follow the same trend.

    They all complaint about stuff they're working on at this very moment.

    Units are bland? yes i agree. That's why they're working on new units right now. Orbital bland? yes not all units are in yet. Interplanetary bland? yes the Unit Cannon and Teleporter aren't in yet. etc.

    I wonder if the OP even reads what Uber writes and listens to what Uber says.

    Oh and i forgot:
    The game gets supported after launch to add in some more stuff. That, and the release isn't absolutely set in stone so if Uber thinks it needs more time, it'll get more time.
    popededi and drz1 like this.
  12. occusoj

    occusoj Active Member

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    I think you fail to understand that most of the rant isnt about the game itself going to be awful but that it will be so if it is to be rushed out. Rage goes about the huge wasted potential in such a case.

    As I said numerous times, I cant imagin that Uber will do that and release anything close to current state. I dont see it.
    The game needs some time, balancing and polishing, the concept behind it is great and thats what "fans" are after - to see that concept turn into a legendary game that will be one of THE RTSs around for many years.
    What some of them are disappointed in is the possibility of a giant messup.

    Other thing Im curious about is how much simplifying the concept can take before loosing its appeal. Like orbital that was made to another air layer. Mexes not energy dependant. No real terrain.
    drz1 likes this.
  13. Timevans999

    Timevans999 Active Member

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  14. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    I've got an i5 3570k, 7850 HD, 6GB of RAM and I have to play on lowest.


    I answered not a chance. However I DO think that the game will be amazing. Just not by December. Way too much work, however I still love the game and Uber.
    Last edited: November 29, 2013
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    I'm sorry, but Game Design is really just one big Team Effort. CT might have had some core ideas and concepts tucked away in his head, but if CT had created TA solo it would have been very different from the TA that the team at Cavedog created.

    Frankly I think we probably owe a lot more than many of us realize to guys like Jon and Steve for all kinds of little things that really helped define TA as a game and as an experience.

    drz1 and cola_colin like this.
  16. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Let's put it this way , to see if you guys , understand why our serious concern and we think there is some disrespect for TA SCFA community.

    As an example we go to the famous and gigantic community of Blizzard Entertainment, Starcraft more properly .

    In comparative terms :

    We all know that existed thousands of players in Starcraft (Total Anhilation )

    After Blizzard , made new game with expansions , StarCraft II :Heart of the Swarm and StarCraft II :Wings of Liberty ( Supreeme Commander and Forged Alliance )

    This whole community continued to love the game, such as the FA(F) community loves the game .

    Now let's imagine that Blizzard will launch new game ex : StarCraft III ( Planetary Anhilation ) where the game takes place in spherical maps .
    You guys really think the whole community of Starcraft would not do exactly the same as us, because they love the game like Blizzard ust to them.
    What we understand as a successor of Total anhilation ( Planetary anhilation ) is a completely different game than we are waiting for so many years.

    It is logical that new players do not understand anywhere near our frustration , they not followed the game as us all these years .

    But on Community belonging to TA SCFA during all these years , we expected something completely different from what we are witnessing .

    Was Uber who said since the begin, Planetary Anhilation was the successor to Total Anhilation , wasnt us that invent that !
    Last edited: November 29, 2013
  17. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    And yet, even though we all understand this, and UBER has stated they are not going to rush it out unfinished, people STILL keep bringing the same complaints up. Hence the frustration.
  18. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Assuming that I am NOT a fan of the genre/sub genre is where this logic falls apart. I am a fan , I have a different opinion/ am not constantly moaning.
    popededi likes this.
  19. jacob29

    jacob29 Member

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    Kalherene if you want to make that comparison then it has to be blizzard made starcraft.

    Then Firizard made supremecraft 1 & 2.

    And Uberzard is making planetcraft
    kalherine likes this.
  20. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    Where are your 44,162+ backers

    You mean the 375 players?

    We on FA(F) got moore then 800

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