Has anyone else noticed that their factory stops building units? I pressed "s" to stop the current building queue and then tried to build a fabber but the vehicle factory won't build it. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
I have also gotten an error where the factories are not producing at all in the first place. I think it happend to a naval factorie. And in other occations it has happend that I am not alowed to build with fabs and the commander (the last thing happend on a laptop with a HD4000 integrated graphics)
I am also getting this error, at least two patches ago, not recently to best of my knowledge. There is bug tracker for this (stickied top of Beta subforum). It usually happens to me in a really tense game when I build a advanced naval fabricator followed by some battleships when it is assisted by the commander and any more than 2 basic naval fabricators. It happened last 2 patches ago.
When I have it it's been when the factory outputs on both sides face other factory outputs with little gap.