Hi. Sorry If this has been covered or I'm being daft, I cant seem to see this error on here, But I cannot click the 'load' button whilst trying to play a system I have made? v57703, I have made a new system, "ash3000k-7", but when I click "player + AI" game, and go to load my system the button is not active..?
There currently 3 limits: You can't use Lava planets. You can't use planets tagged as "experimental". You can't use planets with radius larger than 1200 meters. Follow those rules and you'll able to load your system.
Really dislike not being able to play on Lava planets. They were my favorite planet to play on and I didn't have many issues with it. In my experience, units are much more likely to get caught on a moon crater than they did on lava planets. I wish they let us play on lava planets, just didn't have them show up on the random planets or something.