Poor performance

Discussion in 'Support!' started by executor2, November 28, 2013.

  1. executor2

    executor2 New Member

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    Ok , i understand that this game is BETA , and it is not a finished game. But for crying out loud , can't you guys squeeze 30 frames per second in Multiplayer games ?

    System Information
    Time of this report: 11/28/2013, 20:13:40
    Machine name: EXECUTOR-PC
    Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130828-1532)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    System Model: Z87P-D3
    BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/16/13 21:09:56 Ver: 04.06.05
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 8080MB RAM
    Page File: 3807MB used, 12350MB available
    Windows Dir: C:\Windows
    DirectX Version: DirectX 11
    DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode

    Display Devices

    Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

    Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series ( 6970 )
    Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
    Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x6719)
    DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz)
    Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_6719&SUBSYS_0B001002&REV_00
    Display Memory: 4095 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 2035 MB
    Shared Memory: 2060 MB
    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)

    Attached Files:

  2. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    Can you please open this directory:
    C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME\AppData\Local\Uber Entertainment\Planetary Annihilation\log\
    And uplod few *.txt files from here on forum?

    I just guess you running game on integrated Intel HD instead of your HD6970.
  3. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Also do you have any reason to use integrated graphics card at all?

    Might be you can connect your second monitor to your discrete GPU and disable integrated one in BIOS/EFI?
  4. executor2

    executor2 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Well in DX it shows both video cards , because the integrated one is on the CPU . I also require it to be on , because there is a bug in the Gigabyte motherboards , that won't initiate the Radeon GPU in Bios Mode .

    I have uploaded the files .

    Attached Files:

  5. kalherine

    kalherine Active Member

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    i got i4 gtx 780 classified dont run PA,i have to go back to my old system to run good ( i5 2500k+gtx 570 OC)

    i have done all i now the new system dont have moore then 25 fps and drop with horrible lags with some fight ..the old pass the 55 fps ,and runs very good.

    But in your case not 1 time i see AMD Radeon players have lot problems , even with the new drivers update.
  6. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    It's fine, according to log game is running on proper card.

    But I seen this as well:
    [20:43:00.000] INFO Looks like we are running via Steam
    I'm really recommend you try to run PA though Uber launcher:
    There is known performance problems on AMD hardware and for many players it's even worse if they're running though Steam.
  7. executor2

    executor2 New Member

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    Would that require to re-download the client ? I saw it was going to download around 36k files.
  8. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Actually you can copy files from Steam version to "PA" directory and it's will only download files which is different, e.g PA.exe executable.

    But anyway PA it's less than 1GB download so if you have fast internet you can just download game though launcher.
  9. executor2

    executor2 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thank you for assistance. I will try tomorrow as it is too late now . I leave the client to download , and yes i have a speedy inet ( around 90-100 mbps/s within the same country , lower on other servers ).
  10. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Google "ATI Switchable Graphics"
    There are many issues with the intel HD 4600 and any card combo..
    To fix there was an option in the Catalyst control center prior to 13.9 to disable the switchable graphics.
    I'm not sure what you need to do now though
  11. executor2

    executor2 New Member

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    Ok , lets refocus this discussion , i don't feel like my integrated video card has any effect on the game ( Proof is that i have alot of games that work just fine 100+ fps like Borderlands , Starcraft 2 , Fallout 3 , Guild Wars , Diablo 3 etc etc ). If PA doesn't work correctly with the onboard video card , the one responsible is PA not the video card .

    Steps that i have taken to improve fps , from 15-20 currently ( on medium ) to 30 minimum fps , and failed :
    - set the desktop resolution to 1280
    - installed the client separately though the website and not though steam

    I need a fix that would make the game work minimum at 30 fps in multiplayer , that is the only thing i desire . Anyone has any idea how ?
  12. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Thoses games you mentioned are all DirectX based games...
    This is an OpenGL based game, there are inherant issues that come with openGL programming for many kinds of cards.
    So yes the fact that you have in Intergrated and Dedicated card with switchable graphics may actually cause you issues, yes obviuosly it has to do with the way PA is written but the topic still remeians that there may be an issue with certain driver versions and this game and also switchable graphics and this game.
  13. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Also none of the games you stated are anywhere near as resource hungry as PA.
    PA is one of the only games i have seen use upto 32gb of RAM.
    The game is being made for current systems and forward compatible with systems of the future.

    I'm sure the current issue is the way ATI drivers handle openGL shader coding, this is currently being worked on.
    If disabling the switchable graphics has no effect on the game then we'll try the next thing, it's always good to try every option, even when the end user thinks itr has no effect on the game because it doesn't affect other games like so.
    Each game you stated above is different in the way its coded so "No 2 games are ever alike and shouldn't be compared to each other like so"
    Where and when does Startcraft 2 ever generate a massive 4gb of ram consuming spherical planet??
    so also once again comparing games is a useless analogy for comparing performance as all the games you mentioned are so far different that it makes no sense.

    I'm not defending uber im just stating that comparing 2 games is a useless thing unless the 2 games use the same game engine and everything.

    I'm sure as soon as varrak finishes re-writing the graphics stack ATI performance will improve.
    You have a generation of ATI card that other people i have helped also have. they also suffer from this same issue.
    Hopefully this will be sorted soon.

    If you still have massive performance issues there is a thread in this beta and issues forum for performance test upload's
    That will also help uber to improve performance on your system :)

    I hope this info helps a little with understanding some of the stuff about the game and how it may affect different systems.
    Last edited: December 5, 2013
  14. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Also i have the same bug in my gigabyte board too, i can't disable my iGPU without the PCIe port failing to recognise my ATI HD 6870 :(

    There used to be a feature in the catalyst control center to disable the iGPU when gaming. but it has dissapeared as of catalyst version 13.9 :( :(

    If i can find any other things to assist in improving performance i will mention them here for you.
    I will also work on making another ATI performance Mod. I have an old one in the MODS forum but it needs updating.
    Last edited: December 5, 2013
  15. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Your iGPU do not affect PA if logs say it's not used, that's all. Still I'll recommend you to connect both monitors to discrete GPU if this possible.

    Also if you not use iGPU for games just disable it's in BIOS.
  16. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    His gigabyte board wont allow it without causing issues.
    my gigabyte board does same thing, for some reason it wont detect my radeon when i disable the iGPU in bios.
    I may need to update my bios on that board..
  17. SXX

    SXX Post Master General

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    Or try different PCI-e slot of you have one.
    maxpowerz likes this.
  18. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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  19. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    I have 3 PCIe slots one runs at "x16" next "x8" last "x4" other 3 slots run at "x1"
    slot 3 disables the first two slots 3 and slot 3 is the x4 slot.
  20. executor2

    executor2 New Member

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    The problem with the other PCIe slot is that it is too close to the PSU , so switching the slot , is really impossible. Another problem with the IGPU is that in bios I see a black screen because the PCIe video board is not initialized until i get into Windows . A problem I avoid by switching between DVI and HDMI source on my monitor . Gigabyte pointed out some fixes ( like enabling legacy vga compatibility in bios , maybe MAX can fix his problem with that ) , but now the system boots so fast that pressing DEL won't get me into BIOS at all ( yes , i have tried reseting the bios settings , also used a screwdriver to shortcircuite the battery slot )

    Update : i played this morning a game vs AI on a random generated planet . Normal zoomed to commander ( at the beginning of the game ) i have around 15-20 FPS. If i zoom out , so that i see the planet ( maximum zoom) I get around 30-35 fps . Throughout the game , I had constant fps around those numbers ( 8 Gb of RAM and 2 Gb of GPU memory really helps ).

    The problem is in multiplayer games , when people do their custom systems , and i have no choice but to join ( is that or wait until i host / others host a different system ). Then fps drop down between 10-15 fps , and I have drops throughout the game . Mainly the FPS drops are the problem , because if the game ran around 30 fps with little difference , it won't be noticeable .

    @maxpowerz have you played a SC2 HOTS game with game details put to ultra in a 2v2 matchup . Those texture size eat you up like nothing ( i get around 20-30 fps then ) I admit , i forgot to put the game on medium , before i was playing the campaign ;)

    Suggestion : I know i`m no expert at designing / writing games , but I made a Android game for my last employer , and cutting down the polygon of a model had 50% to 100% increases in performance / lowered the memory usage . Maybe ,until you guys can fix the complex problems in the game , tone down the polygons on the scene ?
    maxpowerz likes this.

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