I don't remember the last time an RTS was looked at by a wide enough crowd. The crowd's fault really. Besides that, I am so impressed so far that it is so popular amongst Steam, it really has hope.
Depends on who is reviewing it. Most backers will certainly agree, I think. Professional reviewers don't really know what to do with a game if it isn't an fps, so we'll just have to wait and see. For my part, I'm much more concerned with how much I like the game, than with the opinions of critics.
It won't. And that has nothing to do with the quality of the game. Game of the Year contests are rarely about how good the game is, but more about what game and genre is most popular. It'll be another RPG or FPS most likely. Edit: Why checkboxes? I just voted for all 4 simply because I can.
I highly doubt it. Game of the Year awards are already skewed based on genre and you can bet that the big game publishers are slipping money under the table to people who make the decisions as well.
Yep, this. Sad, really, as we can just predict Battlefield 4 or the new Call of Duty or such will be it. Who wants to bet? Still, melhem19 makes a good point; Planetary Annihilation is unique, one of a kind. And that right there, means that, while this 'game of the year' will quickly be forgotten after the next game is released, Planetary Annihilation will live on. We won't have a Planetary Annihilation 2 next year (nor should we want to).
I highly doubt that any other gaming company would create a game like PA, PA wasn't the first game 3d planet based map, but is the 1st in which uses feature of building thousands of units, and the ability to smash smash and destroy planets .
starcraft? Really I see PA as a serious concurrent to Starcraft. the first time Stracraft has ever had one this serious.
No. Not after artistic quality of Bioshock Infinite and production quality of GTA V. You guys may not like those genres, but those games are undeniably excessively good. But those diamonds are pretty rare. If release will be delayed to 2014, there is a chance that there won't be anything better.
actually i like GTA V(i never played it) and i like Bio-shock infinite(played it, but didn't like the ending so much)
Dont forget that Sup2 its become a very good game with rampage mods ,and got the best pathfinder ,best units look ,best experimental and diferent units i ever saw in a rts game. Only economy dont work well and maps are too short .
Not if Uber wants to release an unfinished game and fix it over time with patches, like they seem to be wanting to do. That is called a beta, and that's ok. But if a finished and released game isn't properly finished it will be judged as is, and those reviews will not change. Reviews will go like this: + epic scale + Lots of various strategies possible - Poor optimisation - Poor X - Poor Y - Poor Z 7/10. And while points X, Y and Z might change in the future, those reviews will not. First impressions have been made, and it has to be good across the board for a game to become GOTY, if not among game journalists then among gamers themselves.