The Dox model is growing on me, but I think it should be bigger compared to the tanks so I can see the nice model when I am zoomed in at standard range. The slammer probably needs the treatment. Anyone agree?
Yeah I agree! I can hardly ever see the dox when I zoom out a little but I can see tanks clearly, it's somewhat annoying..
Could use it a bit honestly. I suppose it isn't far fetched for a robot to have half the size of a tank. As long as it doesn't affect their agility at all.
This is specific that link is about the whole subject please don't kill threads without properly thinking about it.
The scale in general feels fine to me, but the Dox seems too small. It was the main unit in the kickstarter trailer and it was much closer to the tank size.
Make everything (including planets) smaller, except the Dox. We can measure in Doxenfeet instead of meters. Save RUSE-like zoom! It's actually not that bad!
Think of a forest with trees and small logs fallen over with no straight path in or out of it. A tracked vehicle will fail while a walking mech will go right through the forest with the ability to use its legs to avoid obstacles. I'll admit that tracked vehicles are always displayed and shown as slow even though they can go up to 60 MPH, but there are close quarter limitations that prohibit all directional movement that walking units can better utilize.
I understand it from a design point of view but why not the other way around? Why can't bipedal units be just giant guns with legs? And the tanks can be fast. Edit: Actually, that's pretty much what the Stomper is, isn't it? A gun with legs. Gun needs to be meatier.
Because the Code Gods made it So!!!! Honestly its a design choice, like you said. Won't argue against it or for it. I personally like mechs being able to move faster since it looks cool. Slow mechs look cool with heavy weaponry but it can be seen the same with treads. Gotta decide on one and just go with it I guess.