Where did the Combat Edition go from the Uber store? Was it removed because in the recent opening of beta to all who purchased the $40 package? Will this Edition ever be returning? Thanks.
Yeah, it was removed because all our pre-orderers get instant access that updates to retail. This was to avoid confusion.
It will return and the warfare edition will be removed when the game releases. lol Semi-ninja by Brad. We covered both questions separately xD.
Well, you'd have to know our plans to be ninja's, technically. As it stands, the Combat edition is gone. There was only one difference between Combat and Warfare - when you got access. So Combat edition is not really relevant any more. What we call our "retail" edition is still TBD.
Damn. I guess I should have gotten the $40 package while it was available. I guess that's what I get for waiting until the last possible minute,