I'm currently running on Ubuntu 13.04. The cursor is cropped at the bottom (taking a screenshot results in the original cursor, not the replaced one). There was a "fix" for blinking cursor by making the cursor not exceeding 64x64 px (I think that was the correct size), and this new issue has been happening since then. So, pulling up the screenruler I use, the height of the cursor was 22px. Either someone has their math completely wrong, or there is way too much padding around the image for the cursor, or something else is wrong. So is anyone else getting this, or is it just me? (I'll file a bug report if I get confirmation from someone)
I'm currently on Kubuntu 13.10, but I don't get a cropped version. I didn't have that when I was on 13.04 either. By the way, do you use the open source drivers for your graphics card? There is a problem with Mesa that can cause the pointer to be garbled. If so, you can install this mod to see if it helps: https://forums.uberent.com/threads/...tu-12-04-13-04-13-10.53019/page-2#post-816410 (or manually do the modifications suggested in that thread)
Yes, cursor actually cropped on Linux, but as you noticed this made for reason. Though it's very very small visual issue.
Actually everyone got cropped cursor on Linux because on Windows/Mac cursor atlas size is 100x100 pixels while on Linux it's 64x64 px.
True, I can always see a tiny bit of cropping. I was under the impression that natewiebe13 was missing a fair bit of his cursor, but after roughly measuring it myself just now, 22px for the height of the cursor is what I have too. So disregard my previous post, I just misinterpreted natewiebe13's post.
It is a small issue, but it makes my ocd go crazy. Also, it doesn't make sense why the cursor area is 100x100 if it is actually much smaller.
Finally got around to reporting the bug and showing the cursor issue. My guess is the dev made a typo, and is clamping the cursor to 46x46 instead of 64x64. Please vote if you have this bug: http://pa.lennardf1989.com/Tracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=3109