Beta (57164) Issues and Comments

Discussion in 'Support!' started by Durandle, November 21, 2013.

  1. Durandle

    Durandle New Member

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    1) Commander build queue lines far too large (the blue arrows). Its ugly and obscures the view if you have many things queued. Personally, a small thin line connecting each queued building with a number by each "node" in the queue make much more sense from a UI perspective to me.

    2) When closing the YouTube popup on the main menu, it caused the Game UI Library to crash. (... has stopped responding etc...)

    3) Many metal deposits either placed on unusable terrain (so can't be used) or appear on what looks like normal terrain, but still can't be used.

    4) Explosion decals often seem to appear in blocks (there is a small delay between one half of the decal showing and the other half) - which is really ugly.

    5) No visible bounding box or snap to grid when placing building. Really annoying doing the "How close can I get this building" mini-game all the time.

    6) Groups of units tend to move together in a single-file line - this is obviously less than ideal for combat. (I suppose what I am saying is "No formation options").

    7) Shot down air units often fall almost straight down as if they have lost all momentum (this looks silly).

    8) No way-point indicator for buildings where you have set a place for all produced units to move to. (Little green flag or something!)

    9) No building upgrades?

    10) Re-building a building on the remains of a destroyed one of the same type doesn't rush the production but instead harvests the remains and starts from scratch - however the UI would imply it should re-build from the remains, given it snaps the new building in place over the old.

    11) Ground to air missiles move in straight lines, in such a way that if they are air-born and lose their target, the little area they spin around in makes a square or triangular trail. Apart from that, the angular trails elsewhere are similarly ugly.

    12) No screen scroll when the mouse is at the edge of the screen? If its supposed to, it doesn't for me.

    13) Changing video options during a game causes odd rendering artefacts until the game comes back.

    14) More of a question than issue: Is the plan to add a lot more units and buildings? Because at the moment, the current selection is really very dull and lacking in variety. It feels like a modern but very simple RTS as it is.

    15) I assume because its a beta, but performance is less than ideal. This on a i5 3Ghz, 16Gb RAM and GTX570.

    16) Does building storage buildings next to production buildings effect efficiency (like TA and SC)? If so, there is no indication of this that I can see.
  2. stuart98

    stuart98 Post Master General

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    1. Agreed.
    2. I haven't seen this myself, but seems likely enough.
    3. Try rotating them or using air fabbers.
    4. Not exactly sure what you mean there.
    5. The UI is being replaced soon. This will probably be taken care of.
    6. Being worked on.
    7. Agreed.
    8. Agreed
    9. Yes, this is the primary reason why TA is better than SupCom. Building upgrades is a horrible idea.
    10. Being worked on.
    11. Agreed.
    12. See 5.
    13. Known.
    14. Yes, only 50% of the roster is complete.
    15. Optimization is still a work in progress.
    16. No, this has been discussed though.
  3. Durandle

    Durandle New Member

    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the info!

    4) I suppose it may not be something everyone is seeing. The black blast area decal that gets painted under killed units. I am seeing that often, one half of that decal will pop-in followed by the other half a moment later, which kinda spoils the effect somewhat.

    9) Fair enough, and I kind of agree. Just wasn't sure if I was missing something or it really wasn't supposed to be there :)

    15) I assumed as much, but thought it worth mentioning pretty much anything just in case.

    16) Ah right. Personally, I rather like the idea, makes you plan base layout at least a little bit.
  4. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    can you post your DxDiag.txt ?
    I may be able to find you a better video card driver.
    Also it will help the developers make streamlined performance fixes for specific cards.
    the pain in the backside thing about pc's is almost no 2 pc's in the world are the same, all different hardware and software combo's so streamlining a game to run on as many of these setups is required before the magic of wow look how fast that effect rendered happens.
  5. Raevn

    Raevn Moderator Alumni

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    Just with 15, there's three types of "lag" or performance issues - one is framerate, the second is simulation and the final one is network. The first can be seen by choppy refresh rates. These second by units & weapons fire slowing down (but smooth), and the last causes units and weapons fire to jump around as they update (particularly noticeable in battles).

    The network is I believe still bandwidth capped - this won't be an issue later. Simulation lag will occur once massive numbers of units come into play; better servers are the solution and can be run once we receive the server component of the game. Only the first type of lag is non-server related, and optimisations will continue in this area (and in simulation performance, too).
  6. Durandle

    Durandle New Member

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    Here you go, hope its useful :)

    Attached Files:

  7. beer4blood

    beer4blood Active Member

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    Screen scroll can be changed in options......
  8. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    Your DxDiag says that your nVidia gtx 570's drivers are from june this year.
    You need to goto the nVidia site and install the r331.82 game drivers.
  9. Durandle

    Durandle New Member

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    It sure can :) but on or off, it still doesn't work. Wondered if its cos my screen is 2560 x 1440 or something. I'll update drivers and see if that helps.
  10. maxpowerz

    maxpowerz Post Master General

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    No it doesn't work for me either.
    Im using windows 8 , and playing at many resolutions, from 1280x720 to 1920x1080 and it fails to change regaurdless of the resolution.
  11. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    I have found a bug i think:
    I cant Hit the Enemy Commander in water ( Not in Deep water, i Could See him!) with my Commander or Other Land Units... This was really annoying to See how he destroy my Base..
  12. redlar

    redlar New Member

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    I just installed the beta, with the latest patch/update. It gave me an error message saying that the download wasn't complete, and told me to verify my game files. I did so, and I assume everything was fine since it didn't give me any error messages.
    But now large expanses of my planets are missing textures. Resource deposits still appear, and can be built on. Some sections, such as certain panels on metal worlds and water on terran worlds, still appear. But everything else is black. Models are rendered, but there are no textures on them and they are completely black. The vast majority of the surface is black. When planets are made in the simulator, they render as flat, mono-colored bubbles, but the colors disappear when the planets are edited or simulated.

    The texture files are where they should be.

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