[graphics suggestion] Stagger explosions on commander death/planet explosion.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by blindterra, November 21, 2013.

  1. blindterra

    blindterra New Member

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    I have noticed a huge framerate drop and freeze when a commander is destroyed and the game begins to destroy all units under that commanders control. Similar effects are noticed when a planet gets destroyed.
    My suggestion would be to stagger the explosion effects (and calculations) so that they begin at the epicenter and spread out. This would (hopefully) help resolve the issue of asking low end gpus to render multiple explosions at once, and imo, it would look pretty neat.

    (FYI, my system is 4.6 GHz AMD CPU, 120GB SSD and 2x Radeon HD 6850's, so if it freezes on mine, I'm sure others experience this too)

    Please reply/+1 if you experience the same, and comment/reply with more gfx suggestions.
    cmdandy and Bastilean like this.
  2. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    already done. they don't do it in order from the center but they used too be 100% simultaneous now they're staggered, they thought the same as you, cheaper CPU and GPU wise and can be lore-explained.
  3. blindterra

    blindterra New Member

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    This is good news! Not going to lie, I haven't noticed a difference though. Maybe with all the other issues in the graphics pipeline we won't notice much on mid range systems like mine until more things are resolved as well.

    I wish the development speed was faster, it's as if they only work on Sundays!
  4. ghost1107

    ghost1107 Active Member

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    Uber has been developing PA for about a year, usually to get to this stage it takes 2-3 years. Add to that them interacting with the community and involving us with the development.

    The progress Uber has made is nothing short of Amazing! I sincerely respect what Uber is doing and I support them all the way. Uber is Uber :D
  5. blindterra

    blindterra New Member

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    That may be the case, I just wanted to express my opinion. Every patch "seems" to offer trivial changes which appear to be a lines worth of code each. Clearly I could be very wrong there, but I'm hoping a degree in Computer Science has given me some credibility. I'm just frustrated that there are a lot of very fundamental features missing, even for beta. Like the existence of a pause button.... or terrible pathing.

    Anyway, I still love the game, it's for that reason that I want it ready to play.
  6. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    yeah you're kiiiiinda very wrong there.

    once you understand what coding is like you can see that having a program that gives you the result you want
    ...and a program that gives you the result you want sometime today and without crashing are dimensions apart.

    so the changes we've been seeing in stability, performance, power, capacity, reliability, speed, lightweightness (in terms of demands in horsepower), (beauty!) are well worth the insane amounts of time and effort we've been seeing them pour into PA.

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