Hello PA community, I am doing a school project/presentation. The project/presentation is about one's interests in gaming,music, etc.. I am choosing to do it on Planetary Annihilation, one of the most awesome games out there! I am not asking for help, but I am asking for any cool and awesome screenshots in game so I can show off just how great the game truly is, I would take theses screenshots personally but I have to work on the project plus other work. It would be much appreciated. Hopefully I can get a few of my fellow students into the community through this project. Thank you in advance to anyone that does post.
I'll try when i get home today. I would of course try to ham it up, download some mods for lighting (but my computer runs on low so I'll see), set up cool screenshot scenarios, maybe try to find other ones and credit their source.
Awesome idea!! i'll play a few games and screen shot if i see anything awesome, in the mean time https://forums.uberent.com/threads/fan-and-community-art-official-thread.45310/ check out there, I don't think there's many screen shots but some pretty sweet community art, i'd ask the members before you use it maybe, but I think most people on this forum are pretty cool.
A few years ago, back when some of the Uber employees still worked at Gas Powered, the same question was asked about a school presentation on SupCom. This is the thread (there may have been two threads as I distinctly remember extra stuff being posted). Have a read of it. You might find some good ideas there.
I have a gallery on my website. A collection of screenshots from gameplay: http://pamatches.com/gallery/
I'm planning on starting with the kickstarter trailer, the cinematic bit. Then talk a lot about the game and its features, maybe if I have enough time I'll throw in the beta trailer, for the visuals of planet smashing.
Hey dude. Check out my Steam. I don't take "Great" screenshots, and my computer is not the best, but there are some there you could use. If you like