Project Godus Discussion

Discussion in 'Unrelated Discussion' started by elgreengo, December 18, 2012.

  1. elgreengo

    elgreengo New Member

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    Mod Edited: Was previously "Project Godus needs your help! (ASAP!)"

    If you hadn't already heard, Peter Molyneux has new indie game studio called 22Cans. Tey currently have a Kickstarter going for a new 'god' game called Project Godus. If you don't know who Peter is, he pretty much invented the 'god' game genre with Populous, and he has also been behind many other games you are sure to have heard of.

    I'm pretty excited about this game, it's amazing what they have done in just two weeks, it should be really cool when it is finished. Check out some of the videos they've posted.

    That said, it is coming down to the wire at time of posting, they still need £52,958 (about $86,070) to meet there goal in the next 66 hours. If you are at all interested in this kind of game I encourage you to go back it and spread the word so it can be finished!

    Godus Kickstarter
    Last edited by a moderator: November 18, 2013
  2. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    My buddy and I were talking about this game on Saturday. Shortly after, he ended up buying it, I watched it on his screen for a bit, and then bought it myself. I had originally watched the KS, and was keeping an eye on it, and hadn't made the decision to jump on board and buy it yet.

    Holy carp. Already got my money's worth, in a single weekend. If you loved Populous, this is fantastic. It's still got a lot left to be implemented, but even as is, it's a lot of fun and shows a ton of promise.

    Bought it through Steam Early Access. Even as a developer, it's nice to get in on games early occasionally. :)
    calmesepai likes this.
  3. jbeetle

    jbeetle Well-Known Member

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    I'm still watching it, not buying it quite yet. I was hoping it'd be a bit more like Black and White.
  4. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    Yah.. I was never very in to Black and White. However, I was a total Populous nut, so this fit the bill quite well. ;)
    Raevn likes this.
  5. kvalheim

    kvalheim Post Master General

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    Did Garat just necro?
  6. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    I did, in fact, necro.
  7. JammySTB

    JammySTB Well-Known Member

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  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    This looks awesome but the thing with Peter Molyneux is that you never know what you get until you have played it. I wonder how well he will do with a limited KS budget. On my radar but I'll wait for some Let's Plays I think.
  9. garat

    garat Cat Herder Uber Alumni

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    I actually stayed away from the KS because of that. It's been on early access for a while now, though I don't have any idea how well it is selling. But after watching some videos, chatting with friends, decided to pick it up, and certainly don't regret it.

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