So I was watching Destiny stream the game yesterday, and it looked pretty fantastic, especially for a pre-release version of the game, and I'm on the verge of grabbing it right now. But, he did mention that there were no hotkeys for production/buildings. Is this correct? As a big fan and player of Starcraft 2, it seems weird and unintuitive to me to have to click for every building and unit that you want to make, as opposed to hitting keys on the keyboard. So if this isn't in the game, how come? Is it a specific design decision? Or just not implemented yet? (which would seem strange for such a fundamental feature.) Thanks.
You can't group them. However there are hotkeys. shift+f1 is all, shift+f2 is idle, and the ones above are for ground air and land respectively.
by default there are no hotkeys for unit production and stuff, you can however define all of it in your settings but beware you cant simulate a "GRID" system.. neither can you use key sequences even though your settings accept it
I was more talking about certain keys to create certain buildings/units. For example, pressing "B - B" to Build a Barracks, etc. So is there no way to group your units either? Do you have to just go find them if there on the other side of the planet/map etc?
Could you elaborate on this a bit sorry? Not quite understanding how it all works. What hotkeys can you set? What for? To select buildings, or to make them? Like I wouldn't mind too much if you couldn't put all of your type 1 buildings onto "4", but to be able to click on a building and press "N" to build a nuke or whatever would definitely be annoying not to have in my opinion.
PA has (rebindable) hotkeys and unit grouping. At default building specific buildings or units are not bound. Keep in mind there are a large variety of units and builidings, so binding them all to a single key is difficult. Key sequencing would be nice for building structures in particular.
You may want to have a look at this You can bind buildings to keys, however its not set by default. You can assign groups of units a number. Everything else should be in the link above.
I see, so not too bad. But the game doesn't allow you to build using keys though right? Like I can't press "Shift+F1" to select all the factories, and then press a key to build a specific unit? I have to then click on the portraits at the bottom to select the building/unit to make after selecting the factories, correct?
Yes you can, everything is hotkey-able from units to buildings. You can also use this mod to bind multiple things to single hotkeys
Ah perfect So can this mod be used in multiplayer just fine? Or are mods singleplayer only/server specific?
You don't need the mod. Yoy can create selection groups of factories, and assign all your nuke launchers to the 1 key. You can assign building a nuke launcher to the shift+n key, and you can assign building a nuke to the n key. You can assign building levellers from your advanced vehicle factories to any key you wish. And so on Clearly Destiny did not bother looking at they keyboard settings.
The hotkey mod I use allows you to cycle through buildings on one key. That's literally it. The other thing is that the game doesn't allow contextual hotkeys. If you assign n to build a nuke, and build a nuke launcher, it will say there's a clash. Of course there is no clash, because a nuke factory can't build another nuke factory. That's the issue. when you rebind keys in the settings it spits out a yuck warning message. that's honestly it. as far as I've experienced, the hotkeys themselves still work.