The Ressources and their Influence on Gameplay

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Arachnis, November 15, 2013.

  1. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Hello all,

    I thought about Galactic-War and the different planet types. And it was already mentioned by multiple people that different planet types may need different traits added to them, so that you have a choice as to what planet to conquer next. So then I thought about having energy and metal more individualized from one another. At the moment it's rather only about expanding your metal whenever possible, and building energy whenever you need it. Units and structures usually need both, metal and energy to be built.

    But what if for example you'd have the choice of going for units/structures that either drain a lot of metal or a lot of energy? Then combine this with the idea, that gas giants for example could give you a higher energy income, whereby metal planets could give you a higher metal input, and you'd add more strategic depth into the game.

    This is a lategame idea. For example there could be an artillery piece in the lategame that would drain huge amounts of energy as upkeep, but wasn't that expensive in metal. Or there could be a megabot which costs huge amounts of metal but no energy for upkeep. So that the choice of whether to conquer the gas giant, or the metal planet next was tied to your style of playing the game. But like I said, I'd only make the really late units/structures like that.

    What do you guys think? Would you like to tie energy and metal to different styles of gameplay in the lategame, or would you rather have it like it is now, with equal need for both?

    rippsblack likes this.
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well bots and planes are usually more energy dependant compared to tanks and ships.

    Almost like Ships>Tanks>Bots>Planes

    On a scale.
  3. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, but I'm talking about huge differences in metal and energy here. The choice of whether to conquer a planet that gives you a high boost in energy, or a high boost in metal should have some gravity on your choice of units/structures imo.

    But anyway that scale is nice to know.
  4. rippsblack

    rippsblack Member

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    I really like the idea of more variance in mass deposit output depending on the planet you're on. Wouldn't break the game balance (as it is now) too much either since everyone starts on the same planet, but their choices for expansion thereafter.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Too big a difference and it becomes necessary to use the hand your dealt. Like if you just happen to end up with a metal planet when you wanted a gas giant.

    That being said, I wouldn't think too terribly highly on the idea of planets with special resources. Would be neat if done right.

    What I do think highly of is the idea of making a few more unit varieties between metal and energy. So far we have laser turrets for instance, those could cost energy to fire. Just a bit of energy. Meanwhile, there could be another turret that has slightly different rate of fire but same dps overall, and it uses metal. Obviously based on the game's limits, metal one should cost less metal than energy one costs energy. This way, people's obvious preference will be to the energy ones because of the nature of collecting energy anywhere, but this means their power/radar/mex-income/defenses can be brought down by activating too many enemy turrets at once. That's right, imagine the turrets causing the power flux to also be rendered weaker by the turrets powering off and on repeatedly. So there would be a reason to use both turrets.

    Other varieties of this exist too. Artillery. Unit types (moreso than they do now, less than insanely though). Orbital weapons.
    Arachnis likes this.
  6. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    That is 100% true. And I want it more to be a choice which units to go for, and which not. But I'd like you to adapt your economy based on your choice of units (I formulated that wrong before, I think).

    Gas giants are an exception here. You can't spawn on them, because I think that only orbital units can operate on that type of planet. But I somehow just can't imagine getting metal out of a gas giant?

    It's certainly unfortunate when you only have a gas giant in your system and no metal planet. So that there is no choice. So maybe you'll be able to extract metal from gas giants, and they're somehow really great in boosting your economy overall. So that they'd become strategic hot-spots that you want to conquer asap.

    But then again, that wouldn't leave you with much of a choice. And also we're able to build our own systems, so...
    Last edited: November 17, 2013
  7. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    A lot of balance to go in there. Orbital platforms will have to operate on a scale that makes them generally rounded and fleshed out. You will need to have orbital units, possibly variety, definitely defenses, and structure-like ones too, all on an orbital level.

    I have no idea which way it will go. I think we definitely need more orbital units and some type of plan on how orbital will work all by itself without planet support.
    Arachnis likes this.
  8. Nayzablade

    Nayzablade Active Member

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    I think the idea with a Gas Giant was to have moons orbiting it that you develop your metal economy from.

    Would be fun to have a massive Gas Giant with about 15 moons orbiting it while the GG slowly orbits the sun.

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