2 months to release and the game feels like pre-alpha and is a letdown. Please delay the release.

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by larse, October 27, 2013.

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  1. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Don't exaggerate the freedom Uber has, without a publisher, there are private investors, which are the main source of the game's budget, also if you publish your own game, you have to consider things that a publisher usually would consider.
    Last edited: November 14, 2013
  2. shotforce13

    shotforce13 Well-Known Member

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    2 months to release and the negative opinions feel like pre-alpha and are a let down. Please delay the my life is over if this game fails comments until after release.

    Never seen so much nerveous energy in a game before.:rolleyes:
    drz1 and thetrophysystem like this.
  3. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    Perhaps because not many games have had such pre-release excitement and fan investment?
  4. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Even the nervous energy is dying, it seems some people just don't care this game anymore, and the forum is becoming less and less active.
  5. drz1

    drz1 Post Master General

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    hhmmmmm, I'm not sure about that...Isn't there often a variable activity level during beta testing? I don't really know much about it.
  6. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    which i consider highly unrealistic for this game ... there is no such thing as the 1 option that shows and allows you to controll everything ...
    instead you get many smaller options for multiple viewpoints ... even if you would have an option that shows you one controlable flatened planet how do you want to see the others on one screen or window? you simply canĀ“t, instead you have to open up more windows/use more options
  7. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    I think the only way for this game to be playable and watchable by professionals is by including multiple-screens to work with, which is a planned feature as far as I know.

    I think orbital view will be used much more in the future, maybe as some kind of minimap replacement.
    You can do many things with the newly added orbital shell, like having oversimplified symbols on it showing the location of bases and other points of interest. More UI functionalities like pointing out something for your teammates or for spectators are probably going to get implemented in the future.

    Also with the last patch my optimism returned to me. They did a lot to optimize the game, the performance is simply amazing now compared to what it was before. It feels much more close to being a finished game.
    Now that the performance issue is nearly out of the way, the devs can concentrate more on the other important stuff and finally begin to implement more features.

    At least that's what I'm imagining.
    drz1 likes this.
  8. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    It's still a bit far from the polishing stage, usually how the game will end up is still quite open during this period, and players would keep giving suggestions frequently.
  9. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    Well but tbh, this stage is usually called alpha. Beta is when the players are able to test (nearly) all the features that will be in the finished version of the game. That's how I experienced it until now. But I think Uber doesn't really care about semantics, they have their own way of doing things which I got used to over time. They basically took the alpha, added planet smashing, fixed a lot of stuff and then called it "beta".

    They just fixed the general issues first before adding all the gameplay features (like gas giants, units and the galactic war), which is understandable with a game of this size and revolutionary potential. It's just not what I personally was used to. But then again, Uber has a relatively small team compared to others.
    skywalkerpl likes this.
  10. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Don't expect too much, people working on the performance are separate from people working on the units and UI etc.
  11. rick104547

    rick104547 Member

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    What performance increase? Fps is still crappy like hell. I mean 20 fps on lowest settings with resolution set to 50% i mean cmon....I want atleast a constant 60 fps on these settings before i say the performance is decent. Anything less is unacceptable and no i dont have a crappy pc its actualy pretty high end.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Uber is also a lot more trusting. They give us a game and call it beta, when it is still very not player friendly.

    Sadly it does them little benefit. Players pick it up, it isn't friendly to them, they think of other games they rather play, they quit. As if this were an actual finished game.

    Which is why it is so risky to even have a beta. Of any type. Usually, you can't even see non-devs play CoD or such until it is at a state where all the bugs have been worked out after a year of polishing an engine they started with from the game prior. Then they "build hype" by releasing betas to some players, which are almost completely done with no bugs whatsoever and maps and weapons intentionally removed just for limiting, and they show it off on lets plays as functioning completely in beta. It obviously because it is exaggerated as a beta and is actually partial prerelease of finished assets working totally.

    To AAA games, beta is basically where "the game is done but they spend 2 months showing off parts to the game to some people who spread it media wise, and after 2 months of people watching wishing they could play, they sell it in one big overhyped everyone-needs surge". So it is a sales pitch period, the game is usually already done.

    So yeah. That's a thing. Remember it. "Done" is a state independent of "beta" and will reach it when all the accumulative work is put in to shape it as such. Despite the state it is in now, it could be polished by end of December, it could take another stage of testing for an additional 3 months to improve the game to full roster and full fps. We don't know until the devs put in the work and see how far they are when that time comes.
    Quitch likes this.
  13. Arachnis

    Arachnis Well-Known Member

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    That's strange, because I have 30+ fps even in bigger games now.

    And I think they made a smart move with the "build hype". I certainly bought into the beta because of the awesome beta trailer. But I expected a little more than what the game was like back then. In hindsight I'm not sad, because I helped funding the development of this game, which more than deserves it imo.
  14. qwerty3w

    qwerty3w Active Member

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    Uber didn't need to drop the alpha label at all if it wasn't for the budget.
    To know what beta traditionally means, you can just download and play betas of old games like starcraft, which are not difficult to find.
    Last edited: November 14, 2013
  15. Slaytronic

    Slaytronic New Member

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    You must be a MWO fan I feel sorry for you son.
  16. slywynsam

    slywynsam Active Member

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    I got 99 problems but MWO ain't one.
  17. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Just to report how it globaly feels on a french forum where there's a part of FAF community (Not my own point of view even if i can share a few ideas):

    1) The game is boring - Mainly because there's no Height variations to take advantage of from a strategy perspective. So it's all about sending an army against another army and wait for the final result. Boring also because it's slow and lacks of nervosity and epicness
    2) UI is very poor (I know it's wip)
    3) The roster of units lacks diversty
    4) Performance is far from being what it's expected to be
    5) Units scale is too high
    6) No Minmap alternative

    Based on all of this most of people expressing their feeling think releasing it in the current state (well in December), is likely to ruin the success of the game. They are all scared about reviews that could be negative if based on the current state of the game.

    How do you all feel about 1), 2), 3) 4), 5), 6) and do you think they should be adressed before final release ?

    Just asking, because trying to promote the game as much as possible, I lack good arguments to counter 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6). To be honest when i'm trying to convince them that the game can be completed by december and receive good review, i'm considered as the last fool who believes this is true :(
  18. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    You.................. can take advantage of the terrain, as there is bumps and hills generated by the height variance.

    But the game currently does not display them in any unique way, and many people don't like having bumpy maps anyway, as it can make it harder to build.

    But that is a surprising comment form SupCom, that has a map roster almost dominated by flat maps with cool looking soil.
  19. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    I can remember maps where you could build on top of mountains/plateau. I guess these people are referring to the earth biome concept. I have tried to build stuff on top of small slopes on metal planets, it's not possible. I can drive units to the top of the slope, but building is not possible.

    Well I'm only reporting what's reported elsewhere , just because as far as i can read these people have allready stopped believing in PA while they were initial backers.
  20. Culverin

    Culverin Post Master General

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    1. Uber has acknowledged.

    2. Uber has acknowledged. The first real UI should be coming soon.
      They have also acknowledged flipping through some of the UI threads which is a very good sign.
      Almost every new member on the forums says, "hi, first post here, the UI needs work".
      They aren't dumb, I'm sure they've seen it and understand it's a big deal for both casuals and hardcore gamers.

    3. Full roster is coming, the art team obviously hasn't been sitting their twiddling their thumbs.
      Excited to see gunships and transports :D

    4. If nothing else, Uber is technically proficient.
      I have nothing but confidence performance will increase a lot.

    5. Acknowledged. But I think players want smaller than Uber's vision.
      Personally, I'll suck it up the gameplay is good.

    6. Hoping we get our projection.
      (Modders, do the planets have a Prime Meridian and Equator defined in the code? If Uber doesn't do projection, is it even possible to mod?)
    drz1 likes this.
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