Hello there, I bought PA from the Humblebundle Store and I activated it with steam. The screen goes black and shortly thereafter it says "PA.exe has stopped working". I know this is a common issue and I tried everything I could find, I updated every driver, installed the Directx 9.0c and the .NET Framework, although I'm running PA via steam. I attached the latest log file and the DxDiag file, I hope somebody can help me
--edited--- Sorry searching for a better solution to your issue, ATI cards predating the Radeon HD 5xxx series have no updated driver support.
There no way to fix this crash at moment. Current version of PA crash on start for all users of AMD Legacy drivers, e.g owners of ATI HD4XXX HD3XXX GPUs. Can you please open this task: PA#2638 Login with your UberNet credentials and vote for this task. You can as well post comment and upload your log and DxDiag as attachments.
There no point in any support even if you did that card is not man enough and the rest of the rig is too little.
I don't think you have, this is beta so they're are bugs and you just got a particularly bad one. Do to the commonness of this issue I think Uber will have a patch out to fix it soonish.
it works! huzzar! it crashed during a game, but hey, at least I can play :3 fyi: [20:00:26.149] ERROR multiple models in spec for Air Factory have nav structures, this is unexpected. [20:02:04.492] ERROR createAnimSkeletonControlProceduralAim - Could not find bone: [bone_pitch] {"type":"procedural_aim","rotation_bone":"bone_pitch","rotation_axis":"x"} [20:02:04.492] ERROR Could not create skeleton control of type: [procedural_aim] for unit: [Spinner] {"type":"procedural_aim","rotation_bone":"bone_pitch","rotation_axis":"x"} [20:02:04.492] ERROR Could not create skeleton control of type: [fader] for unit: [Spinner] {"type":"fader","lerp_func":"is_active","child":{"type":"procedural_aim","rotation_bone":"bone_pitch","rotation_axis":"x"}} [20:02:17.925] ERROR createAnimSkeletonControlRecoil - Could not find bone: [bone_leftRecoil] {"type":"recoil","bone":"bone_leftRecoil","recoil_dist":0.75,"restore_time":0.5} [20:02:17.925] ERROR Could not create skeleton control of type: [recoil] for unit: [Stinger] {"type":"recoil","bone":"bone_leftRecoil","recoil_dist":0.75,"restore_time":0.5} [20:02:17.925] ERROR createAnimSkeletonControlRecoil - Could not find bone: [bone_rightRecoil] {"type":"recoil","bone":"bone_rightRecoil","recoil_dist":0.75,"restore_time":0.5} [20:02:17.925] ERROR Could not create skeleton control of type: [recoil] for unit: [Stinger] {"type":"recoil","bone":"bone_rightRecoil","recoil_dist":0.75,"restore_time":0.5}