Hey, Not sure if this has been asked yet or not. But i was just wondering why in a system manager we can create systems with more than 3 planets but I cannot seem to play a game unless it has 3 planets or yes? I could very well be doing something wrong but when I go to load a system with 4 planets or more the load button is greyed out. Thanks
I'm guessing it is a hard limitation from Uber. The game is rather unstable right now and playing on such a system, right now, would not be a good idea. Large systems introduce a lot of lag. Hang in there though. Beta is beta and stability improvements come with every update. We'll be waging war on large solar systems soon enough.
OK update. I was able to load a 4 planet system, but it seems the other one was still greyed out. Is there a reason some can be loaded and others can't? How do I find that out?
I think it's 16, but I might be wrong. There also limitation on planet radius: ~1200 meters. If any planet bigger than that game won't let you load that system.
Actually I'm want to build system with lot of small 50 meters "asteroids". Unfortunately all planets with size bellow 200 in editor become 200 meters planets in game. Also I want notice that such system will drop FPS in editor a lot, but in-game it's will work just fine and won't eat too much RAM.
I would rather that Uber implements 'Astroids belts' both in orbit around the sun and around planets. Then having to spam a load of mini-moons. It would be nice if you could mine astoids or use them as KEWs. But I think I'm gettin a bit off topic.
Same here. Am not able to start a created System with more then 3 objects. (2 planets, 1 moon) The Load Button wont work then. Any reason, or a known bug ?
Ok, then I'll keep going. I would like asteroid belts. But asteroid belts are in space, that means no ground or air. They would comparable to gas giants since they only have orbital. Since orbital isn't finnished I can't say mucht about the units. Asteroid belt around a planet It would basicly be another Orbital layer. 'Normal orbital' is round like the planet but the 'asteroid layer' is a flat disk around the planet. You could make an asteroid belt realy close the the planet and make it possible to travel between them(might cause camera issues). But in the Kickstarter the asteroid belt was not very close to the planet there was even a moon between the belt and the planet so it is possible to keep the planet and the asteroid belt separate. The asteroid belt was one of the main selling points in the Kickstarter video for me. Asteroid belt around the sun This would be easier to do then an asteroid belt around a planet because you do not have interference of the planet. The camera would probably be stationed above the belt. It might cost quite a bit of computing power because this asteroid belt circles the entire length of it's orbit. If a smal moon or an asteroid is thrown if would most likely travel through the asteroid belt. The asteroids The rocks in a asteroid belt are always moving and grinding agaist each orther that is why they usualy aren't that big. For the game that would mean many small moving rocks and specialy for a asteroid belt aroud the sun this would be very taxing on a pc. But since this is a game the rocks don't have to move and we can have all kinds of sizes. It would be easier to make only a few asteroids KEW or mine worthy and the rest would be just textures. Pathfinding Would the units like the avenger or an orbital fabber move between the asteroids or would they just fly over the top of the asteroid belt? The camera angle will probably always be positioned above the asteroid belt because it's flat. It's very important that transports can't get into asteroid belts or else you could have a commander hide on an asteroid belt by means of a transport. Uses for asteroids I am a supporter of the orbital fabber because this is IMHO the best way to make buildings and defences in orbit. The asteroid that are large and strong basicly decently sized with metal. So far as I know there are about 4 things they might be usefull for: Rescources, KEW, Defence and as Factory. A fabber should be able to convert an asteroid in any of these types. Asteroid KEW In comparison to a small moon an asteroid is significantly smaller. But it still might be comparable to a nuke. Asteroid groups Currently Jupiter has 2 groups of asteroids in its orbit. One group is just in front of it and the other is following it. This means it's also possible to have groups of asteroids. You can also make a group of asteroids and say they are a the remains of a planet. If an asteroid belt around the sun is to costly this might be a solution.