Commander: Shoot down non-nuclear Rockets/Missiles

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Nayzablade, October 31, 2013.

  1. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    If a gigantic nuke is flying directly towards your Commander, you d-gun it. Problem solved.
  2. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I'm going to shoot this idea here.

    What if they added t2 aa units and turrets to the game, which had normal turret and unit range, were t2 expensive, and shot half as fast as the catapult and low damage, but it shot down missiles including nukes?

    That would be a welcome turret and unit and form of t2 aa.
  3. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Why is a new unit needed for this when existing ones can do the same?

    Popping nukes mid flight is one of the most effective ways to limit its damage against bases. There is no reason that an anti nuke structure should be mandatory.

    Nukes can still be powerful, as long as you keep the expectation that it regularly strikes for glancing damage. Of course, that would mean a lot more if the edge of a nuclear blast wasn't just as devastating as the core.
  4. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    You know, not comparing similar games, but there was a lot of change when Support Airstrike skill was nerfed after they added AOE Range Dropoff. Maybe this is what nukes need, where after some distance from a nuke epicenter there is less than lethal damage. Then current perimitering with antinuke will make border-nuking painful and effective but not melting and flattening.

    My last idea is from the need for more unit diversity and catapult/artillery balance discussion and adding a new unit role. People say it would be shields, but technically as I stated elsewhere, artillery doesn't track so it gives some diversity between tracking rank-thinning missiles and pecking point-breaking artillery, in that artillery is absolute hit. Currently, artillery is missiles that don't track, meaning why use it? It would be shields that didn't stop artillery and just thinned missiles and, of course, one could walk a nuke into a base behind an invasion force to clear countermeasures.

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