Among the many strange things that happen when you launch something out of orbit, this happened after I flung a moon into the top-left planet. I had just commanded my CDR to head for the smaller moon when the halley moon hit. And now, he is inside the sun.......roasting alive...... New tactic for rapid tactical insertion: Use halleys to accelerate the payload! I've also noticed that units always choose to slingshot around the sun before heading to any other planet in the system - or the central body if its a moon system. Are those mechanics going to be...adjusted, especially when gas giants come into play? I want to pull that epic moment where you sling your units around a massive planet, and right into the enemies' planet before he can react.
Yeah this is something I've noticed playing around in PA. It makes some amount of sense for larger things like KEWs in the absence of larger planets also floating around to use, but for smaller things like Landers and Satellites that can use smaller size planetoids for slingshots rather than always defaulting to the sun. Mike
Well the behaviour I mentioned isn't really a bug thought, they're doing exactly as intended as far as I can tell, I doubt they've had the chance to really dig into creating multiple profiles for dealing with transfer orbits and such yet. Mike
They actually have. That functionality has been around for quite some time. They just haven't implemented much of in game. They showed it off during one of their first livestreams.
Considering the content of thier first few live streams, I think we're talking about different things here. Which Live Stream where you thinking about? Mike